Private Curator
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2023
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The start of the year brings fresh beginnings , happiness, heaps of joy and a lot of pressure , the pressure to make a to-do list , the pressure to start working towards the to-do list and accomplish all the goals decided.

With passing time , some goals get fulfilled, some transform, some evolve and few linger, destined for the finale of the year .

Then comes DECEMBER, the last month of the year , month of festivities , month of cold cozy vibes , month of strong coffee, month of love for some and separation for many . Besides the vibes this month brings, it comes along with a weight of guilt! , the guilt of not accomplishing all the goals decided. the guilt of ending the year unproductively !!

December is more than just the conclusion of the calendar year; it’s an opportunity, a month that carries the magic of both reflection and forward momentum.

What about your 2023?

Are you content with how eleven months have sprinted past? Have your aspirations found wings or are they waiting for that final push?

If yes !

Here is one more month of this year ,enjoy the coziness and close the chapter of 2023 in your style, meet your friends you wanted and make the most of this opportunitistic month!

And if Not!

December is still here ! a month , a full month to work , to achieve goals , to study , to cook , to bake , to love , to care and to be YOU.

For all those unmet goals , fear not ! you still have a gap of 31 days to mark ticks on your to do list .

December’s here — just soak in the vibe. No need for pressure

As it’s just the start to the end of the year and you grow one year older.

It’s just a shift in the number of dates !

It’s not the end of your life .


It’s the motivation to achieve your goals !

It’s the impression of self -love !

It’s the chance to end your year your way on your terms!

It’s a hope for new connections!

It’s the power given to you to be the best version of yourself!


And speaking of December, can we even discuss it without the mention of the warmth that steaming cups of coffee, tea, or any hot beverage brings? Throughout the year, they provide comfort, but in December, their embrace seems warmer, cozier, like a hug from an old friend against the wintry chill.

Photo by Quaid Lagan on Unsplash


Ah , that’s a universal thing right?

The enchantment of burying oneself under cozy blankets while buried in books — such a weird yet relatable vibe for students.

While the world plans weddings, dreams of vacations, and revels in seasonal delights, , the diligent students go through December’s study sessions, painting their futures in colors of knowledge and understanding.

Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash



Wrapping up eleven months needs a little closure from December and this month depends on you whether you use it as a knot to tie your eleven months or you delay it for the next year !

Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

The journey of eleven months comes to an end ! No doubt a journey, a period in which one faces joys and sorrows , ups and downs , lows and highs , easy and difficult but the journey comes to an end!!

NOT TO END FOREVER BUT TO BEGIN AGAIN with revived zeal , new motive , new vibe and BRAND NEW to do list !!

So, let December be the bridge between what was and what could be, a month full of possibilities and opportunities. It’s not just a month; it’s a canvas awaiting your final strokes, a stage awaiting your closing act

a time to pen the last chapter of the year with a flourish .

