The Maker

Rishik Dhar
Private Final Synchronized —
1 min readJan 28, 2022

Image Courtesy

I want to make history

But what should I make

To make history

Let me make a baby

He or She or They will

Ultimately make something of it

Let me make a baby

I am a man and

I can just woo a woman

She will make my baby for me

Just a matter of delegation

It will be her labor

Her blood, her vomit, her incontinence

Countless nights, spent in a curl

Brooding and wondering

Boy or girl?

Her days spent losing her mind

For she can’t have a glass of wine

It will be her forbearance

And not mine

I will stand and

Watch it all unfold

And revel in the mysteries of the universe

Let me make history

But what should I make

To make history

They say every epic voyage begins

With a first step


On that note let me make my bed.



Rishik Dhar
Private Final Synchronized —

I have many interesting things to say but none of them are about me. An engineer by profession, living in the Silicon Valley, with 360+ days of Sun.