Announcing Privy Auth!

Today, we’re excited to share the next phase in our journey: Privy Auth.

Henri Stern
Privy Blog
3 min readNov 30, 2022


Privy Auth is a simple library to easily onboard all your users to web3, regardless of whether they already have a wallet, across mobile and desktop.

Privy exists to help developers craft delightful products and keep users in control of their assets and data across apps. Since our launch, we’ve been hard at work helping amazing teams like those at Station and Violet manage users’ off-chain data and build user-respecting products. Privy Auth is the next step in this journey.

Our work has inexorably led us here. First, as a recurring request from our customers who already use Privy to secure user emails, social accounts, phone numbers, etc. Second, through a core product requirement: in order to enable users to control data permissions across apps, Privy must be able to authenticate users directly.

User journeys in Web3 have evolved from discrete, one-time events — like signing a transaction — to continuous interactions with users, involving both on- and off-chain data. For users, this means better products, but it also means developers have to handle much more complexity. This complexity starts at login: wallet connectors are clunky, onboarding flows are confusing to users, and the problem gets worse as the number of chains and wallets grows. To bring web3 mainstream, we have to reshape user onboarding.

Enter Privy Auth

Privy Auth is a simple library to easily onboard all your users to web3, regardless of whether they already have a wallet, across mobile and desktop.

We are building Privy Auth around 3 principles:

  • Crypto for all — Web3 must be built for newcomers and experts alike. The best products will bridge the right UX from web2 and web3 to lower the barrier to entry. This means progressive user onboarding, gradually engaging users as they progress through your app, from first wallet connection to multi-wallet account creation.
  • User control — All products will involve on- and off-chain data. The best will rely on data portability from app to app to unlock new experiences.This means it must be easy for users to decide what they share with whom.
  • Self-custody — Self-custody is an essential part of web3. Popular apps will serve as bridges into self-custody, enabling people to take on more control over their assets and data if they so choose.

Privy Auth is live with customers today as part of our early release. It integrates with your favorite libraries like ethers and wagmi; it’s easy to migrate from RainbowKit, Onboard.js or any other wallet connector or auth library.

Out of the box, Privy Auth gives you

  1. Simple onboarding for all users, with or without wallets, using email and social accounts.
  2. Reliable wallet connectors, optimized for desktop and mobile so you can stop worrying about users getting lost on the way to your app.
  3. A unified user abstraction so you can easily manage all users. Connected, authenticated, multi-wallet, we support all of your users.

If you’re building in web3 and want to delight your users from the first interaction, we’d love to talk. With just a few lines of code, you can securely onboard all users, whether they have a wallet or not, and get back to focusing on your core product.

We have a lot more coming and we can’t wait to share more with you soon. Web3 gives us the opportunity to reinvent the data paradigms that have failed us over the last 30 years and give users back control over their data online. This starts at login().

Team Privy



Henri Stern
Privy Blog

Probably thinking about your data right now. Hopefully it's encrypted...