Business Valuation — Complete Guide to Valuing Your Business

Pro Business Plans
Pro Business Plans
Published in
7 min readOct 18, 2020

Last Updated: 1/7/2022

Business valuation is an essential aspect for any entrepreneur looking to grow their business. However, ascertaining a business’ value can be a precarious task, especially when you’re a startup without much evidence to work with.

In this guide, you will get a lot of insights regarding business valuation, why you need to value your business, factors affecting business value, methods of valuing a business, differences between startup valuation and mature business valuation, and factors that determines startup value.

What is Business Valuation?

Business valuation is a quantitative process of ascertaining the firm’s fair value. A business is valued based on several factors, such as constituents of capital structure, company management, the possibility of future earnings, market values of assets, and many more.

When to Value a Business

A business valuation can be helpful at any phase of your business growth. However, you may need to value your firm under the following circumstances.

Business Valuation Use Cases
  • Securing Investment: A quite number of investors will need to know the value of your business so as to compute the amount of equity they would get for their investment and determine its growth potential.
  • Developing an Internal Share Market: Knowing your business’s estimation will enable you to set a reasonable and serious cost for offers to be purchased or sold by workers and shareholders. It can likewise be utilized to advise potential investors about the business’s performance.
  • Stimulate Business Performance and Growth: A business valuation forms a significant basis of an organization’s review. Having a clear perspective of how your business is progressing can inspire your team to be more resourceful; hence improving your company’s performance.
  • Selling Your Organization: Valuation will help you know your business’s worth, which is an essential aspect in case you intend to sell your firm.

Factors Affecting the Value of Your Business

There are various components to consider while valuing your firm, and shockingly, not many of them include money-related values.

By the day’s end, a business is worth what somebody is eager to pay for it, and that can be a pretty abstract thing.

In this way, don’t merely rely on your bookkeeping records — consider all the following when valuing your business:

Factors of Business Valuation
  • Business Brand’s Reputation: Your brand’s reputation is one of your most essential intangible resources. If your organization is notable, very much regarded, and additionally has a great deal of buzz around it, then you’re starting off on a solid foot.
  • The Value Your Client Base: While evaluating your client base’s estimation, you should consider things like client dedication, client tenacity, and client focus. If your business is dependent on a few customers, then your client base’s value is low. However, if you have a larger concentration of loyal customers, investors will consider your business more valuable.
  • Reasons You’re Doing This Valuation: In case you’re valuing your business since you’re being constrained into a deal, that will bring down its worth. Nonetheless, if you’re valuing it to look for investment and upgrade a growth period, its value will be higher.
  • Age or Potential of a Business: A more seasoned business with a strong reputation and reliable income appears to be more valuable than a startup. Likewise, a new eager startup with an enormous expected market potential ahead of it could be more valuable to investors than an established business whose product’s future performance can’t be ascertained.
  • Team Behind Your Business: Your human resources are a truly significant aspect of your valuation. An energetic, aspiring, and talented group, who are committed to pushing your business forward, will have a colossal effect on your general worth.
  • Quality of Your Product: A solid product, a solid model for delivering that item, and an audience occupied with that product, are essential for a decent valuation.
  • Performance Metrics: Your business performance metrics, such as revenue, overheads, and profits, will determine the value of your business.

Methods of Valuing a Business

There are various techniques and markers you can use to value your business. Here is a summary of the most common methods of business valuation:

Business Valuation Methods

The Multiplier

To value your business through a multiplier, you’ll have to multiply the Net Profit of Business by Market Sector different. Therefore, Business Value = Net Profit X Market Sector Multiple.

However, you need to be cautious when utilizing the Multiplier because it’s easy to fudge the figures, net profit, and market sector being incredibly variable. Investors know about this, which is the reason it’s imperative to back up your multiplier figure with other proof.

Asset Valuation

Not all organizations are valued dependent on tangible resources, and that is okay. In case you’re an SME or a startup with a great deal of potential, that will work in your favor. However, if you are resource-rich, it would be reasonable to value your business based on assets.

Entry Valuation

Entry valuation entails working out the expenses of setting up your business today, starting from the earliest stage. It’s helpful because it brings other valuation factors — resources and colleagues, for instance — under its umbrella, however, it isn’t so helpful if an investor needs to focus on things like current productivity or future potential.

Discounted Cash Flow

The discounted cash flow method is valuable for intensely invested and well-established organizations. Basically, the strategy predicts future income in light of current and past business patterns over a specified period, usually 15 years.

It then gauges what that future income is worth today. A proper discount interest, such as 15% to 20%, is applied to consider things like risk and inflation. This method is complex, and it relies on steady patterns and a stable future to work effectively.


Comparison with the cost of similar properties in the market is the thing that sets house costs — and it works for organizations, as well. If you can, verify what comparable organizations to yours have been valued at. This will give you a rough idea of your firm’s value.

Explicit Industry Techniques

A few businesses have explicit methods of estimating value applicable to their interests and needs. For instance, retail organizations are frequently valued by the volume of clients or the number of outlets, while IT organizations will, in general, be valued solely on turnover.

Individual Interest

By the day’s end, your business is worth what somebody is eager to pay for it. If you find an investor with a profound interest in what you’re doing, your business’s intangible value rises massively.

Startup vs Mature Business Valuation

Startups will generally have little or no revenues and are still in a phase of instability. Therefore, it is likely their product, strategy, or service has arrived at the market yet. Because of this, it can be challenging to value the company.

However, developed businesses that get consistent income and profit can be valued easily. You can simply value the organization as a multiple of their income before interest, expenses, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA).

What Determines Startup Value?

Here are the factors that determine the value of a startup:

Startup Valuation
  • Traction: One of the most significant components of demonstrating a valuation is to show that your organization has clients. For instance, having over 100,000 customers means that you may raise $1 million from potential investors.
  • Reputation: If a startup proprietor has a history of thinking of smart thoughts or running effective organizations, or the product, methodology, or services, a startup is bound to get a higher valuation, regardless of whether there isn’t traction.
  • Product Stage: Any model that a business may have that shows the product or service will help in the valuation.
  • Revenue: The amount of revenue the startup is getting will make its valuation straightforward.
  • Supply & Demand: If more entrepreneurs are looking for more cash than investors ready to invest, this could influence your business valuation. This likewise incorporates an entrepreneur’s desperation to secure investment and an investor’s willingness to pay a premium.
  • Distribution Channel(s): Where a startup sells its product is significant, and if you get a proper distribution channel, the estimation of a startup will be bound to be higher.
  • Viability of the Industry: Suppose a particular sector is popular or booming in terms of performance. In that case, investors are more likely to pay premiums, implying your startup will be more valuable if it falls in that industry.

Final Thoughts

Business valuation is an analytical process of determining the firm’s fair value to secure an investment, stimulate business performance, develop an internal share market, and sell an organization.

Before you value your business, you must understand the factors that affect its worth and adopt the right method to get a fair value.

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