Market Entry Strategies: Guide to Entering and Excelling in New Markets

Pro Business Plans
Pro Business Plans
Published in
8 min readJul 7, 2021

A profound market entry strategy allows a firm to excel amongst foreign and local markets conveniently. It enables a firm to reach a potentially large number of new clients and substantially expand the business. The procedure may, however be challenging and complicated.

A strategy for market entrance is a technique to maximize your chances of success when you move to a new market. This article will examine some of the significant reasons to consider shifting to a new market and the different strategies that help a firm can adopt while entering a market. There is a range of possibilities for an organization to decide to enter a global market. These possibilities differ in terms of risk, cost, and the degree of control over them.

The most straightforward entrance strategy is to export via either direct or indirect means, such as an agent or countertrade, for the latter. Strategies that are more sophisticated are genuinely global enterprises, including partnerships or export processing areas.

Decisions must be taken on the specific channels after taking the shape of the export strategy. In international marketplaces, strategies differ from country to country. First, why should a firm think about shifting to a new market? It is difficult and costly; therefore, what are the reasons why it’s worthwhile?

Some of the most important:

  • The number one motivation to investigate new markets is naturally to expand the business by selling more goods to more consumers and to improve income.
  • If a firm has stretched out your local market’s revenue capabilities, moving into other areas might be the only option to develop. There may be additional chances for your growth.
  • By diversifying your business, one will decrease risk, and if one market falls for whatever reason, one will have another to maintain himself.

Local markets vs. International markets

Local markets

This will usually be easier than joining an international market. The culture will be the same, it will probably all go closer geographically, and things will probably be quite similar to your present needs.

External markets

Red Bull: Market Entry Strategies

This is when things become harder. In comparison to how you presently manage your firm, you will have to deal with some changes. Including:

  • Different cultures
  • Different administration process
  • Different economically
  • Logistic difficulties in foreign transit

Some Crucial Considerations

It is essential to spend some time to determine if the corporation can allow the move before a product is in any new market. Can the business afford export charges, intermediaries, taxation and all other expenditures? What part of the market can the company hope to service realistically?

Common Methods of Market Entry

Market Entry Strategies: Entry Methods

Export directly

Exporting directly requires firms’ resources straight to the market you have decided to use. Many firms resort to agents and distributors to represent their companies in this market once they have developed a sales program. Distributors and agents work directly with you to defend your interests. It would help if you chose agents and distributors in much the same manner that you would select an individual who is a key employee.

  • From shipping to payments to operations in the new market, all parts of the process have to be handled independently.
  • In comparison to an intermediate, this strategy needs more resources and time. It requires to educate personnel as well as pay internationally. Among many other arduous duties will require you to establish an exporting infrastructure.
  • On the other hand, this strategy optimizes your profit because no other parties are required to pay. You will also have complete control over your operations of sales and marketing.


Licensing is a very advanced mechanism in which a corporation licenses to another company the rights to utilize a product or service. This is especially beneficial if the license buyer has a substantial market share in the market, you are interested in entering.


Franchising refers to a traditional North American expansion strategy. Now in other areas of the world, it is gaining where franchising works effectively for companies that can quickly move momentum to different markets using a repeatable operation model. When contemplating the application of the franchise model, two warnings are necessary. First, the business model is required to be very distinctive or recognized by a strong brand that can be used globally, and secondly, your future contest may be established by your franchisor.


Partnerships take several forms, from an essential co-marketing partnership to a comprehensive manufacturing strategic alliance. The partnership is practically a must if international markets are entered and may be necessary in some world regions. In such markets, the association is especially beneficial when culture is substantially different from your own, both commercial and social, because local partners offer local market expertise and contacts and, if selected, consumers.

Joint venture

A joint venture is a commercial arrangement where a project or service has two or more firms combining resources. The length and resources of the agreement will vary. Typically, participating firms agree to divide any earnings generated by the company. This means that joint ventures might be beneficial to firms requiring more excellent resources with low financial input. The crucial element in this style is trust. To achieve some common aims, one would have to trust them with unknown entities of various organizations.


Piggyback is a very unusual method to join global trade. You may wish to contact major domestic companies that are now active in foreign markets to see if your product or service may be integrated into their international market inventory when they have a particularly intriguing and distinctive product or service. This will decrease your risk and costs as you sell your product or service domestically while the larger company markets you abroad.

Turnkey project

The turnkey project is generally employed for building projects for which the developer has full responsibility, from design to completion, for the structure to be ready for use by the customer. Another approach to defining it is like an immobilization project characterized by a function object taking up any risks until a particular point is achieved. This is the conclusion of the project usually or when the building is ready for occupation. Therefore, the turnkey project is acquired property that has equipment or other things if the buyer takes over it.

1) Because the contractor or developer owns the building until the completion of the project, the project will only be paid upon completing the project. To receive payment, he is encouraged to get the task done on time and competently.

2) Given that all building decisions are the builders or developers’ responsibility, novice owners are prevented from making judgments on complex building issues

3) The owner has enough time to locate investors and finance to make the payment, as he only needs to pay the project after it is done.

Green-Field Investment

Green-field investment is a form of FDI, a parent firm that builds its business from scratch and forms a branch in another country. These projects can include the development of new distribution hubs, offices, and residential quarters and the construction of new manufacturing facilities.

Threats of entering into a new market

Market Entry Strategies: PESTEL Market Analysis

One vital stage to manage global risk is determining the company’s various risks on target markets abroad. These hazards may generally be classified as influencing property, income, accountability, and staff. Economic and political exposure can help categorize risks.

In a new market, there are also several dangers, including:

  • Foreign threats, such as political upheaval, abrupt changes, or financial problems that might impair your firm
  • Foreign exchanges such as currency exchange rates, which might severely influence your financial position.
  • Cultural gap, which indicates that your new enterprise may face problems as culture and practices differ significantly.
  • Unforeseeable weather is also a significant setback to a business. A firm is going to a market that might create natural catastrophes and weather damages and cost money.
  • One must also examine whether the product or service works on the intended market. In an implementation, market research plays a significant role. One has to ensure that the export costs are justified by demand for those goods.

Delays due to regulatory approvals, material shortages, labor shortages, start-up problems, poor productivity, work stoppages, accidents, late deliveries, unforeseen conditions, sabotage as well as cost overruns would effect the process. Furthermore, pay negotiations, poor management, inappropriate procurement, contractor claims, under-estimate as well as Cash flow squeezes, can cause some of the major interruptions in business.

A firm can enter a foreign market in several ways. For all foreign markets, no single market entrance approach works. Direct exporting may be the best option for one call while you may need a joint venture in another, and your production may quickly be licensed in another area.

There will be a series of elements affecting your strategic option, including the tariff rate, the adaption of your necessary product, marketing and shipping expenses, but not limited to. Although these variables may significantly boost your expenditures, sales growth is projected to offset these costs.

It is seldom simple to enter a new market, whether it is an entirely new geographical area with a small range of cultural, language, and economic elements or simply new demographic age. It is possible to reduce all types of dangers and barriers to conquer.

No company can prevent any potential hazard. Therefore it needs to be assumed to face some problem. Enterprises capable of minimizing the risks and obstacles can benefit greatly. We will look at five of the greatest dangers and hurdles that companies typically encounter when entering a new market in this post.

Some frequent errors in management include unclear leadership vision. A lack of coherence amongst the responsible persons might lead to generalized confusion and lack of productivity.

Make sure that your objectives are not only clearly defined but also conveyed to all members of the team. The crew changes suddenly. If a new person enters the team to replace someone else, they must have essential knowledge and guidance. If this is not done, communication problems and severe setbacks may occur when your new market enters.

Marketing is always tricky to do, and this applies much more when a new market is entered. Another essential thing is to investigate your new market as hard as possible before you start your campaign. In reaction to data and feedback, prepare to adjust your strategy.

The team members need to be on the same wavelength, up to date with current practices, and regular, unambiguous connections and leadership. Developing markets are sometimes marked by more laborious procedures, the requirement to interact closely with local people, and the necessity to modify business offerings.

Legal risks include legal proceedings, patent law and restrictions on privacy of data. It’s important to engage with local lawyers on your target market to ensure that you stay on the right side of the law.

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