Top 10 Angel Investors in San Diego, CA

Pro Business Plans
Pro Business Plans
Published in
6 min readOct 8, 2021

Top 10 angel investors in San Diego

San Diego, the California-based city is not only known for its glitter and glamor, but it also has a thriving startup scene, with a focus on digital firms. In 2018, San Diego officials strived to develop a network of angel investors. Those initiatives result in a bountiful production of much-needed premature financing for companies in 2019.

In 2018, the angel network financed more than $5 million in local companies. It created a new $2.2 million initiative at the end of the year to give up to $500,000 in angel financing to local companies. Other organizations have made prior strategies to encourage additional angel investors. The San Diego Angel Conference, a new pitch contest, aims to brought up experienced angel investors to include a less-risky way of investing in initial businesses. It has a comparatively low participation cost of $4,000 per individual.

Tech coast Angels-San Diego

TCA-San Diego (TCA-SD) is the San Diego branch of Tech Coast Angels, which is one of the state’s largest and most influential angel investment networks. In 2020, TCA-SD will have spent more than $11 million. They primarily work in technology (computing, equipment, clean technology, etc.) and Living Research (biotech, pharma medical devices, genomics diagnosis, health science etc.). TCA participants are entrepreneurs and senior level company executives with deep understanding of the investment strategy and best practices. Angel investors in TCA give more than simply cash to firms; they also provide guidance, mentorship, and services to a massive community of investors, consumers, trade alliances, and leadership.

Keiretsu forum San Diego

In 2006, Keiretsu Forum San Diego merged with Orange County, Los Angeles, and Westlake Village to become the Southern California Region of Keiretsu Forum. There is also the allure of a worldwide network of angel investors that will extend accessibility as much as is necessary for their advantage. Their original group of angel investor members, as well as their collaborators and advertisers are dedicated to expanding the network of investment engaged in supporting entrepreneurial endeavors and offering important tools for their development in San Diego.

Imporium angels

Imporium Angels, located in San Diego, California, concentrates on emerging technical businesses such as telecommunications, biotech, rfid tags (RFID), telecommunications, application programs, medical devices, and electronics. Imporium’s angel investors include founders, co-founders, and previous leaders of their own firms from nearly every industrial field. They are accomplished angel investors with unrivalled expertise in high-risk enterprises, and they are eager to invest in begin with enormous future demand in San Diego. Similarly, their large pool of business networks is now available to firms who have passed their screening procedure; a step that demonstrates how they value their customers.

Bonus: Looking for an Investor List?

Our free investor list contains over 250,000 VCs, Angel Investors, and Family Offices globally searchable by industry, location, and investment type.

Life science angels

Life Science Angels is a non-profit organization in San Diego comprised of 130–150 certified investor participants, 12–18 highly skilled colleagues, and 12–15 sponsoring businesses. Independent angel investors who invest in a specific company pool their funds through our LLC. They like to be professional investors who participate as board members, observers, or other strategic or tactical advisors. They will participate in firms beyond their geographical area, but want to have those businesses backed by a local angel club in San Diego.

When pitching angel investors, you will need a good pitch. Read our complete guide to creating the ultimate pitch deck.

Interlock capital

Long-time Interlock Capital was founded by San Diego entrepreneurs and investors Al Bsharah and Neal Bloom to help business creators and their businesses. In the last ten months, approximately 120 angel investors have worked together to find, assess, finance, and offer continuing support for nine businesses throughout the San Diego. Over $1.25 million has been collected, with beneficiaries including quickly San Diego businesses Mercato, Crafter, Kast, and Launch Factory. Companies in San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Texas, and Kentucky also have received funding.

Our crowd

Our crowd is an angel investing group in San Diego. As significant growth investing possibilities migrate from public to private market. Our Crowd allows qualified individuals to engage top VCs, angel investors, and partner companies in acquiring proper vetting bargains the very same conditions, with investigative work, customizable portfolio design, and low initial costs in San Diego.

Seed San Diego

A tiny group of investors seeking to alter the investing environment in San Diego They will converse with their investors in the same manner in which they converse with their buddies. Angel investors often provide support to start-ups during the early stages (when the chances of the begin collapsing are very large) and when other investors are unwilling to back them. A growing numbers of angel investors invest online via raising capital or form angel clubs or angel networking to exchange investment funds and give advice to their portfolio firms. The number of angel investors has risen dramatically during the previous 50 years in San Diego.

Alamo angels

Alamo angels is a group in San Diego which bring opportunities to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs. Participate with seasoned angel investors from a variety of industries, leading to more effective investigative work, conditions negotiating, and board governance. Participants can contribute in the yearly membership Investment Fund, which provides enhanced proper research data and transaction monitoring in San Diego. The nationwide deal platform of Alamo Angels finds approximately 300 projects every year, giving financing options in all industry sectors with the possibility for substantial returns.

Band of angels

They are a formalized club of 165+ angel investors, the majority of whom are former or present high-tech professionals who spend their time & expense in fresh, trying to cut startups in San Diego. Since its beginnings in 1994 as the first structured high-tech angel investment club in the United States, the Band has backed 400+ firms, resulting in 82 successful M&A exits and 16 IPOs. The whole Band gathers weekly in Silicon Valley and San Diego to formally assess three firms chosen from among the 50+ that the Band deal short listing screens each month. Furthermore, to enhance transaction flow and involvement from Southern to Northern California.

Interested in learning more about getting your startup funded? Read our ultimate guide to seed funding, a guide to angel investors.


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