Best Resources for Learning Copywriting

Elia Thad
Pro Wriitng Hub
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2018

When it comes down to learning a skill which is a talent as well one wishes that there is a 101 on the subject. For example: to become a copywriter, you wish there was a Copywriting 101. A simple course that could tell you the dos and don’ts of it. Some would like an approach where it could be like a formula and only a power word insertion and tweaking it a bit would give you that grand punch line which would make you a great copy writer.

The goal is to find that set of characters, perfectly aligned to grasp a customer’s brain to motivate, inspire, scare or forcibly push them to make a decision to act. You cannot learn it in college and there is no single way of achieving it. Instead there are a lot of free resources online that can help you be the punch line creator.

Some of the resources to be a great copy writer are as follows:

1. Facebook

Facebook has many pages and groups on great copywriting and how to become a copywriter in less time. Some of the great pages are mentioned below:

Copywriting, How to Build a Brand, Copywriter Cafe, The Cult of Copy

2. Twitter

Twitter serves you with the best links to great copy writing material. You can use keywords related to copywriting with a hashtag (#copywriting, #digital marketing)

3. Blogs

Following are the blogs that have tons of articles on copywirting:






Copy Hackers

Copywrite Matters

4. YouTube

There are so many things you can learn here. You tube has many videos that teach copy writing. You can subscribe to them and keep yourself updated.

5. Books

Read the countless number of books free and not free. (The Boron Letters, Bond Halbert book, Influence, Scientific Advertising)

6. A mentor

One of the way to get a hands on experience is to get a mentor. (You can easily find one on the Facebook groups. Offer to trade work for feedback and testimonials)

7. Jobs

Another way is to work for low fees and testimonials. Build your credibility and enter market place as a copy writer will make your presence recognized.

8. Practice

Have a personal blog as a hobby. Build an email list and make an email sequence they love. Practice makes perfect. Write on subjects that interest you to develop a writing style. Have a go on making your own take on brands and make ads for them. Write copy for them. Use your creativity.

9. Copy Hackers

It’s technically a blog post. You must bookmark it for future reference since it has a 59 minutes reading time. Best for later reference.

10. Links

On a Daily basis use the following links if you like them to learn more.

Neil Patel: Helping You Succeed Through Online Marketing!

12.Copywriting Do’s and Don’ts

In this fetching article, Joana Wiebe tells about the unbreakable rules of copywriting.

11. Copywrite Matters

This absolutely free Copywrite Matters by Belinda weaver has genuinely good tips in the form of her cheat sheet. A must have as a resource.

12. Damn Fine Words

If you want to know how to use words to make money, whether you are a freelancer or a business owner. You will see results after every class and in 10 weeks you’ll learn specific writing techniques that will help you become better.

13. Finding Fresh Ideas for Copywriting

This will help you create fresh and original copy.

14. Guide to Copywriting by Neil Patel

Neil Patel’s 30000 word guide is made this list. Neil and Joe Putnum worked to make you a great wordsmith.

15. Copywriting Masterclass

This will help you grow as a copy writer. Learn new, proven techniques and tricks to improve your copywriting just in two days in a week from your tight schedule.

These are the resources I found the best to follow when copy writing seems difficult.

