Nonesuch-a-Thang in the MetaVerse

Rasul Elder
Probably Knowthing
Published in
10 min readJun 17, 2023


Prepare to witness the enigma that is Nonesuch-a-Thang, a shape-shifting 3D animated NFT that transcends boundaries and unlocks limitless possibilities. Inspired by the golden ratio, this masterpiece not only captivates as a work of art but also serves as a gateway to unparalleled gaming experiences within the Sandbox. Join us as we unravel the captivating lore of Nonesuch-a-Thang and explore its transformative abilities.

For collectors of fine art, game developers in search of diverse assets, and performers in need of stunning visualizers.

Nonesuch-a-thang: V.1-Pocus

(animation key below)

The Enigmatic Morphing:

At the core of Nonesuch-a-Thang’s mystique lies its extraordinary ability to assume multiple shapes and sizes, defying the conventions of static art. Its journey begins as the “Acute Crate,” an intriguing tetrahedron-shaped container that can open and close like any ordinary crate. However, beneath this humble facade lies a world of transformative potential. While morphing, Nonesuch-a-Thang seizes the opportunity to showcase the wonders of ancient art inspired by the likes of Salvador Dali and M.C. Escher. As it transforms, it unveils surrealistic elements, mesmerizing the beholder with mind-bending visuals reminiscent of these iconic artists. Prepare to be transported into a world where reality and imagination intertwine, as Nonesuch-a-Thang pays homage to the masterpieces that have shaped the art world.

Unleashing the Possibilities:

Nonesuch-a-Thang’s transformative prowess extends far beyond its initial form. It possesses the power to morph into a myriad of enchanting entities, each unlocking unique adventures and experiences within the Sandbox. Let us unveil some of the awe-inspiring forms Nonesuch-a-Thang can assume:

1. Kadabra (The Jumper):

Transcending dimensions, Nonesuch-a-Thang transforms into a mesmerizing portal, offering passage to realms unknown. Step through its ethereal embrace and venture into uncharted territories.

2. The Jewlip (The Glider):

Taking the shape of a majestic plane, Nonesuch-a-Thang soars through the virtual skies, beckoning adventurers to embark on thrilling aerial quests and journeys.

3. Lina Walker (The Skipper):

Transformed into a sturdy boat, Nonesuch-a-Thang navigates the virtual waters, paving the way for aquatic expeditions and nautical exploits.

4. Acute (The Asker):

Retaining its original form, Nonesuch-a-Thang assumes the identity of “Acute,” becoming an enigmatic character who serves as an asker of questions and a giver of quests, igniting the fires of imagination within game developers.

5. Flora (The Dancer):

A magical floor that dances with you, synchronizing its movements with your own, creating an enchanting dance experience like no other.

6. Pocus “The Vibe”

A mystical stage that travels across cities inspired by Dj Blondish’s ABRA. This extraordinary form of Nonesuch-a-Thang materializes as a mesmerizing platform for music, art, and immersive experiences. Prepare to be swept away by the spellbinding ambiance and pulsating energy as Pocus brings Blondish’s style to life in breathtaking fashion.

The Transcendent Stage:

It emerges from the depths of imagination, adorned with intricate designs that pay homage to the local culture and artistic heritage of each location.

The Wonders Within:

Beyond its transformative abilities, Nonesuch-a-Thang seamlessly integrates into the Sandbox, enriching the virtual realm with its versatility. From architectural embellishments to functional elements within games, Nonesuch-a-Thang transcends its artistic origins to become an integral part of the gaming experience. It can morph into furniture like tables and recliners, dynamic wall art, moving platforms, obstacles, doors, windows, and more, infusing each game with unparalleled depth and immersion.

A Portal to a Metaverse of Wonder:

Nonesuch-a-Thang’s transformative nature not only enriches the gaming experience but also transports users to breathtaking stages across the globe. From the iconic streets of New York to the romantic charm of Paris, the historic grandeur of London, the enigmatic allure of Egypt, and the mystical realm of Knowhear, each stage offers a unique backdrop for immersive adventures. As you explore these virtual realms, immerse yourself in the pulsating energy of music.

Use Cases Demo:

Song Mix by Rasul Elder. Songs used.

Use Cases:

1. Music Video Visualizer Custom Creation

2. Diverse Gaming Asset

3. Fine Art


With the addition of the mesmerizing “Dancing Floor” and the electrifying in game performance utility, Nonesuch-a-Thang’s transformative nature reaches even greater heights. Step into a world where art, gaming, and music converge, as Nonesuch-a-Thang transcends boundaries, inviting you to explore new realms of creativity and joy. From shape-shifting wonders.

Created by Rasul Elder AKA The Knowbody

(no outside person help to create this project. Per Vox Edit rules)

Artist Statement:

“As a resident of Richmond, VA, a city whose history is deeply intertwined with fine art, I find myself continuously inspired by the rich artistic heritage that has flourished here over the centuries. From renowned painters to sculptors and photographers, the creative energy that permeates this city fuels my own artistic aspirations. It is with this same eye that i approach ABRA Vox edit competition, which provided the perfect opportunity to merge my passion for fine art and music with the immersive world of music and the metaverse.

As a DJ and Vox edit artist who specializes in creating concert visualizers using Vox edit, I was immediately drawn to the competition. The theme and prompts featuring locations inspired by my research resonated deeply with me.

With my background and love for fine art, I realized I could add a unique twist to the competition. By incorporating elements from renowned masterpieces and artistic movements into my Vox edit creations, I sought to create a visual symphony that pays homage to the transformative power of fine art. The Sandbox Game’s immersive environment provided the ideal canvas to bring these art forms together, blurring the lines between reality and virtual reality.

Through my participation in the ABRA Vox edit competition, I aim to highlight the profound influence of fine art on contemporary culture. By seamlessly blending ancient art references with cutting-edge technology, I hope to inspire others to explore the intersection of art, music, and technology within the metaverse. This is an opportunity to showcase the enduring relevance and impact of fine art, transcending traditional boundaries and redefining how we engage with and appreciate artistic expression.

Rasul “The Knowbody” Elder

The Research: The Icosahedron relationship to the Golden Rectangle.

(image credit) pocket83

The Icosahedron and the Golden Rectangle share a fascinating relationship rooted in the principles of sacred geometry. The Icosahedron, a three-dimensional shape with twenty equilateral triangular faces, embodies symmetry, balance, and harmony. On the other hand, the Golden Rectangle, derived from the golden ratio, is a rectangle whose ratio of length to width is approximately 1.618. This ratio is often found in nature and is believed to exhibit aesthetic appeal and visual balance. The Icosahedron’s vertices and edges align perfectly with the proportions of the Golden Rectangle, creating a visual connection that highlights the inherent harmony and mathematical precision found within both shapes. This relationship symbolizes the interconnectedness of geometric principles and their profound influence on art, design, and the natural world.

Through my 20-year journey of using index cards and Scotch tape, I discovered a fascinating connection to the golden ratio. By utilizing these index cards, which inherently possess the proportions of the golden ratio, I embarked on a process of folding and experimentation. Eventually, my efforts led me to the remarkable icosahedron, a three-dimensional shape of intricate beauty. This discovery unveiled not just one, but two methods of bringing the golden rectangle into the realm of three dimensions. One approach involved the exploration and discovery of the icosahedron itself, while the other involved placing a golden rectangle on the XYZ axes. This unique blend of mathematics and hands-on exploration has allowed me to transcend the boundaries of two-dimensional geometry and embrace the wonders of three-dimensional artistry.

With the advent of the Sandbox platform, I no longer require paper to bring my geometric creations to life. Utilizing the digital environment, I can effortlessly fold a tetrahedron with the power of my imagination. This virtual folding process allows me to shape and manipulate the tetrahedron, creating a closed structure that embodies elegance and precision. The Sandbox grants me the freedom to explore geometric wonders without the constraints of physical materials, opening up a world of endless possibilities for artistic expression and creative exploration.

Links to Peaces That lead to the creation of Nonesuch-a-thang.

Creating these tolerances testing works has not only honed my skills but also paved the way for me to bring my extensive research on geometry, music, and visual art into the immersive realm of the Metaverse through the dynamic combination of The Sandbox and Vox Edit. Now, you have the exclusive opportunity to own one of these rare and exceptional pieces, serving as a patron of my ongoing exploration in this captivating fusion of art forms. By becoming an early collector of these exquisite Fine Art creations in the Metaverse, you not only support my artistic endeavors but also embark on a visionary journey at the forefront of digital art and expression. Follow the links below to explore Positively Knowthing — KnoWhear

Positively Knowthing — KnoWhear

Knowthing Negative

Platonic Karpet Primary (Isotropic Alpha Blue)

Platonic Karpet Dark Phunk (Isotropic Alpha Blue)

Infinite “I” Opekner (OWL I/O)

Nonesuch-a-thang: V.1-Pocus

Animation key:

(View Animations here)


01. Closed Container (static)

02. Opening Container

03. Closing Container


01. Driving regular

02. Driving Fast

03. Docked (static)

04. Morph form container to boat

05. Morph From Boat to Container

06 Morph From Boat to Glider


01. A cycling Animation that morphs throw shapes

Flower for the DJ

01. Morph from Recliner to Flowers

02. Static Flower moving background

03. Breathing Flower

04. Morph from Flowers to Glider with Rutters


01. Morph from Container to Recliner

02. Parked Glider (Static)

031. Glider Door Opening

032. Glider Door Opening with rutters

033. Glider Park with rutter open

04. Glider taking off

051. Glider Gliding

052. Glider Gliding 2

061. Glider Landing and Morphing into patterns

062. Glider Landing

07. Gliding Glider Morphing into larger Glider

08. Larger Glider


01. Dancing Floor

012. 2 forms

03. 3 forms

04. 4 forms

05. 5 forms

06. 6 forms

07. forms

08. 1 animated forms






04. Medium Static Stage

05. Large Static Stage

06. Small Static Stage

07. A form changing Platform with a piece that pops up.

08. A form changing Platform



01. Portal door not active

02. Active Portal


01 Recliner


01. Abra By Rasul Elder





New York



01. A Table


01. Morph from a Container into a Dance floor

02. Morph from a Container into a Stage

03. Morph from a Stage into a Container


01. A Large window

