What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

Aldrin Caalim
Probably Programming
3 min readApr 11, 2022


Image by Thomas Schwarz from Pixabay

What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a new type of digital asset that are built on the blockchain technology. They are unique and can have different values, unlike regular cryptocurrencies. NFTs can be used to represent ownership over assets such as real estate or collectibles. They could also be used to power new types of decentralized applications. The NFTs ecosystem is still in its early stages, with a limited number of blockchains supporting them. The most popular NFTs platforms today are Ethereum, EOS and Cardano.

How do NFTs work?

NFTs work by allowing users to trade items that are not necessarily related to each other, but are instead unique and identifiable. This makes them perfect for use in gaming applications, where players can exchange virtual assets between themselves without worrying about duplicating or losing them. NFTs also allow people to trade these assets without having to deposit them in a bank account or trust that they will be safe. Additionally, NFTs provide a new way of creating digital scarcity.

What can be done with NFTs?

There are already a number of companies who are using NFTs to revolutionize their business model, and there is no doubt that they will continue to do so in the future. Here are some things that can be done with NFTs:

  1. NFTs could be used to represent unique assets. For example, a company could create a NFT for every item it sells, allowing customers to trade and own these assets individually. This would give customers more control over their belongings and make it easier to track who has what.
  2. NFTs could be used as payments systems. For example, a business could use them to pay its employees in the future or reward customers for loyalty. This would help reduce reliance on traditional payment methods (like cash) and keep transactions secure and private.
  3. NFT securities trading platforms are quickly emerging as a key way for investors to gain exposure to this new market. There are currently two major platforms available: AirSwap and Ether Delta. These platforms allow users to trade NFTs with each other on a peer-to-peer basis. This allows users to access the widest range of NFTs possible, while also providing transparency and security features.

How secure are NFTs?

NFTs were created with the goal of providing a more secure way for users to exchange assets without having to go through a centralized authority. However, there are still some security concerns that need to be addressed before they can be fully adopted.

One issue is that unlike traditional assets, NFTs cannot be easily tracked or seized by authorities. This means that if someone wanted to steal your NFTs, they would have to get access to your private key which is usually protected by a password or other secret information. However, there are some NFTs that do provide a way for users to access their private keys, so it is possible that these would be more secure than traditional assets. Additionally, the lack of a central authority means that there is no guarantee about the security of your NFTs. The NFTs are managed by users who are free to control any actions they want, which could lead to situations where some users abuse their power.

Another issue would be if the platform where you purchased your NFT goes out of business, then you might lose access to your NFT which could lead to, potentially, losing all its value. Of course, there are also other issues with the technology. The main concern about NFTs is that, for many users, it will be difficult to manage their assets.

What does the future hold for NFTs?

Just to reiterate, NFTs are digital tokens that represent unique assets. They can be used to purchase goods and services, or hold value in a digital account. NFTs offer new ways for people to share and trade assets, and they could play an important role in the future of online commerce.

NFTs could help reduce fraud and theft by making it easier to track assets. They could also make it easier for companies to manage their finances and rewards programs. In addition, NFTs could be used in a variety of other applications, such as securities trading and peer-to-peer transactions.

As NFTs become more popular, developers will need to develop new protocols and software tools specifically designed for them.

