Why are you probably unqualified? Why is it cool?

Justin Thach
probably unqualified, but it’s cool
2 min readJun 20, 2019

When I thought of this blog as a burnt-out second semester high school senior, I planned to go the funny route. Through this lighthearted summer project, I would satirically (attempt to) answer questions that I was completely unqualified to answer.

At the time, my expectations were more along the lines of desperate solicitations for relationship advice. Then I started receiving questions like these:

“How did you find your passion? How can I find mine?”

“How can I succeed at the college app game?”

“What’s wrong with our society and how do we fix it?”

  1. I haven’t completely found mine yet. I’m still searching! We all are. But that’s a separate blog post.
  2. Lots of work and a little bit of crying.
  3. What? Where do I even start?

Let’s be clear; I’m barely qualified, if at all, to answer any of these questions. But I remember that there have been times when I’ve pursued the same answers. As I’ve grown older and experienced more, I’ve come closer to them.

I realize that the process of learning and educating ourselves begins with a question — a humble nod to our own ignorance. We’re all pretty unqualified to answer some of these questions, but we’ve got to start somewhere.

So welcome to “probably unqualified, but it’s cool.” (In lieu of the questionable acronym, we’ll call it “probs” for short.) This blog is a lot of things: a reflection of my high school experiences, a tool for other young people eager to grow, and a rejection of the apparent inexplicability of some of life’s toughest questions. Most importantly, though, as I embark on my journeys towards college and adulthood, this blog is a celebration of the moments in which we learn so much after we realize how little we know.

Here’s to our wanderlust; to our pursuit of answers to the unknown.

Hi! My name is Justin and I live in Salem, Oregon. I’m interested in the intersections of politics, race, and culture — I’ll be studying political science at Stanford next year. Wait. Stanford? College? Advice? Alright, I’ll admit it — this might be a *little* bit of a bootleg version of Cath in College. You can find me on Instagram or Twitter.

