Probely has officially been launched

Nuno Loureiro
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2017
Probely Web App Screenshot

Today, after a year of development, we launched Probely.

But what exactly is Probely and why should you use it?

Probely is a Web Vulnerability Scanning suite for Agile Teams. It provides continuous scanning of your Web Applications and lets you efficiently manage the lifecycle of the vulnerabilities found, in a sleek and intuitive web interface. Probely provides tailored instructions on how to fix the vulnerabilities (including snippets of code), and by using its API, it can be integrated into the development processes and the continuous integration tools, in order to automatize security testing.

We target developers because we know that they are the ones that will fix the vulnerabilities. We speak their language, so the details of the vulnerabilities and the “How to fix it” is written with the developers in mind, with clear and concise explanations. The “How to fix it” is tailored to the technologies the web application uses such as its programming language. As a result, our customers can avoid hiring expensive security consultants to interpret the findings and provide guidance on how to fix.

Another time-consuming task for developers is the analysis of the findings to filter out false-positives, something that can be very hard for those who are not security experts. At the core of Probely lies the engine that we developed, which significantly reduces the number of false positives by using empirical and heuristic knowledge combined with a safe exploitation of the findings to confirm the vulnerability.

By using an advanced fingerprinting module, we recognise popular web applications and frameworks, allowing us to run specific modules that target those web applications, thereby improving our vulnerability detection capabilities.

And because we want Probely to be used by developers, we expose every single feature through an API. Customers can integrate us into their Continuous Integration (CI) tools, taking automated testing to the next level. The same API can also be used to integrate ticketing and productivity software.

To start scanning go to to create an account and start your 14-day trial.

