Education platform follows the success of online models to democratize learning resources for those who need it most

ProBit Global
ProBit Global
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2019

With over 262 million children currently not attending school, there is a daunting list of barriers preventing access to what should be a basic, inherent right. Some of the most pressing issues include financial limitations, lacking access to educational infrastructure, to more unethical forms of discrimination that prevent children from pursuing their educational dreams.

With many parts of the world lacking access to quality education, online educational platform Codemy provides a wide base of educational courses and incentives to promote equal access to education, particularly for those who find it out of their financial or geographic grasps.

They provide a fine-tuned platform that encompasses essential elements of a proper educational ecosystem through curriculum management, course enrollment, certificates of completion, and many others to emulate a quality learning experience while also guiding learners.

Providing a gentle push in the right direction

Codemy follows a business model of free and paid educational courses while also encouraging educational pursuit through CDM token rewards. The reward module’s algorithm will take into consideration factors such as difficulty level when completing tasks like correctly solving a program or reaching a learning milestone.

Video lectures will be the primary mode of delivering educational content, as this optimized mode of learning was specifically designed to be accessed by even those living in developing countries and limited internet infrastructure.

While lectures start off as free courses, content that gains popularity and recommendations can be converted into paid courses. This incentivizes content providers to deliver effective and well-planned out courses where they can earn rewards while learners simultaneously begin the process of pursuing their course completion certificate.

Shared, transparent resources to enhance quality

Codemy also provides an educational hub where anyone can contribute to improving the educational content featured on the platform. This open source of exchanging ideas, opinions, and constructive feedback will only enhance the quality and accessibility of the blockchain-stored information.

The platform enables any motivated individual to open classes while receiving feedback from learners. This will help provide more diversified insights and knowledge bases while the platform ensures accountability on the part of teachers as their activities are stored on the blockchain for verification and visibility.

Best of all, all relevant information such as curriculum information and materials are stored on the blockchain and can be accessed on the go. This will allow users to conveniently access content on their phones and laptops as their schedules allow.

Codemy will also help protect learning material providers from copyright infringement. Storing this information on distributed ledgers will ensure that content can’t be reproduced or copied in any unethical manner, protecting the work and efforts of content producers.

Exponential trajectory for CDM tokens

CDM tokens play a versatile role as it allows for users to access paid courses, advertisers to pay for any advertising needs, and learning to receive course completion certificates including a unique blockchain-based diploma with detailed course information and milestones.

For job seekers, the CDM token will also be used to pay for recruiting costs that help them secure employment. There are also plans to incorporate CDM into shopping malls and other forms of e-commerce to establish another stream of revenue that can be used to help the platform flourish.

Codemy currently has 3 phases of global expansion in order to provide educational services starting with developing countries like Vietnam and Thailand in 2020. They will continue increasing their reach in 2021 in regions of Asia, Europe, and North America.

50% of Codemy’s token sales will go into refining R & D in order to continually refine and perfect their educational offerings with the other proportion being used for operations, marketing, and other aspects of the business. This will reach an even more diverse learning base with access to courses including subjects such as management consulting, environmental management, industrial safety, and quality management.

Join in on equalizing educational access through Codemy as they launch their IEO May 28:



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