This unique traveling platform will provide a streamlined solution to make travel planning and research a breeze

ProBit Global
ProBit Global
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2019

Travel reviews are a critical metric for vacationers finetuning their travel itineraries and platform giant TripAdvisor remains king of the throne. With over 400 million users visiting the site every month, it is chock-full of details regarding accommodation amenities, facilities, and even the minutest of details for the most meticulous travelers. Not to mention some rather amusing reviews that may elicit a variety of reactions.

The importance of online reviews can’t be overlooked:

  • 93% of global travelers say their booking decisions are impacted by online reviews
  • 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
  • The most important sources that influenced the decisions of global travelers were travel review websites, online travel agencies, and tour operator sites

Unfortunately, as positive reviews on the platform are the lifeline of businesses looking to expand their reach, this has led to unethical efforts to fake reviews in a frenzied effort to increase ratings and attract more customers. A potentially greater issue is the fact that many legitimate and quality reviews can get called into question or removed entirely which leaves many users scratching their heads in frustration.

Add into that the headaches that all travelers have experienced in browsing countless websites for the ultimate travel deals, only to get rebuked with hidden and often exorbitant transaction fees of all kinds. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg in many cases.

Addressing the current industry deficiencies

Explorecoin was set up to become a travel pioneer by addressing these various travel inefficiencies through the introduction of their token along with a platform capable of delivering the essential information that travelers desperately need. Some of the key issues the travel solution will target are lofty travel fees, the inconvenient and often costly process of exchanging currencies, as well as providing a secure travel asset for quick transactions.

As the loss or theft of cash, credit cards, and other financial assets are always a risk when it comes to travel, Explorecoin will serve as a highly secure means of travel while avoiding the massive fees that can be incurred while globetrotting. The token will be accepted by the many international companies partnering up with Explorecoin and will continue to unlock convenient travel packages and features which will ensure that it accumulates value through its usability.

Explorecoin seeks to go much further than just being a run-of-the-mill travel site that permeates the internet.

Explorecoin will put a heavy emphasis on environmentally responsible tourism starting with the launch of Ecoplore, an aggregator of eco-friendly accommodations that launched in the tourism-heavy country of India. This first step in promoting a green travel trend is in response to the massive damage that tourism has inflicted on some of the world’s most beautiful destinations.

The strict criteria for Ecoplore additions include construction using non-concrete materials and having a minimum of 33% green space. So far, 70 partners have met the bill which has helped satisfy 120 customers and will play a large role in promoting responsible travel to maintain a healthy respect and awe for the wonders of the world.

TravelrFeed is a one-stop information database for the best travel deals for travelers who browse through countless numbers of online booking websites for the most competitive prices. The platform will provide an enormous amount of distributed data to equip travelers with the essential details needed to finalize their vacation planning.

Rewards-based, decentralized reviews

To tackle the issue of fake or manipulated travel reviews, The bTRS Blockchain Travel Review System uses a mechanism wherein users are rewarded according to the number of positive feedback that they receive from others. This incentivizes users to create quality and authentic travel reviews which are an essential part of travel research while ensuring proportionate compensation for their efforts.

The reviews will be exclusive and decentralized, which will also help avoid many of the issues plaguing travel reviews which are often aimed at deliberately portraying inaccurate information or with malicious intent. To further ensure accurate and legitimate reviews, users will need to input a code that can only be received once they check in to the actual location and the blockchain will ensure that all reviews are completely secure and immutable.

As it can be difficult to plan out daily travel schedules, Explorecoin will also work with partnering companies to provide tourists with single and multi-day passes to grant access to several of the prominent local attractions for a flat rate. Not only will this help them avoid potential scams or other issues, but it will also provide business and tour guide info to point tourists in the right direction.

Explorecoin is a step in the right direction for travelers who often lost before they even set foot on foreign soil as they will be able to provide travelers with a comprehensive travel information database, a safe and convenient travel currency, a decentralized review system, as well as promoting eco-friendly means of travel and accommodations.

Explorecoin token investments can be made on May 21:



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