Utilizing cryptocurrency to address a glaring gap in consumer purchasing

ProBit Global
ProBit Global
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2019

Retailers and various companies face a laundry list of barriers to penetrating their respective customer bases. Whether through social perceptions, costs, limited access, or other significant hurdles, it is difficult to establish a strong network between suppliers and consumers.

Trends in consumer purchasing and demand constantly evolve as is evident in today’s society. Cryptocurrency has seen a surge in popularity as the decentralized currency provides a way for people to complete transactions in a safe, discreet, and efficient manner.

The question then becomes: How can cryptocurrency enhance the convenience and versatility of consumer purchases?

Establishing value

Cherry Cube is a project that has stepped up to the plate to resolve this exact scenario with their token based ecosystem which aims to establish and demonstrate the utility of a tangible, real-world digital currency. With this approach, Cherry Cube hopes to diversify consumer purchasing and accommodate the vast variety of individualized demands and wants that are represented by the so-called “personalized goods” market.

Cherry Cube will effectively utilize Cherry tokens in order to promote widespread participation throughout its platform. These tokens can also be used to purchase Cherry cubes, which are boxes filled with random goods that can be delivered straight to your door.

With many people still unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, Cherry Cube’s large scale objective is to establish a strong relationship between crypto value and consumerism. By creating a system that helps define the economic value of crypto for the average consumer, this will help establish a strong network between retailers and customers through this strong token economy through features such as the Cherry Store and Cherry Cube season.

The Cherry store will feature products from their various partners while facilitating crypto asset purchases for consumers. This will help retailers access increased demographics while consumers are provided with a multitude of options to address their individual purchasing needs.

Cherry gift will serve as the platforms wallet for safe and secure transactions throughout. It will also feature a variety of mini-games, from which users can mine additional tokens through participation. All transactions on Cherry Cube are also secured by block numbering confirmation that uses random functions to protect any potential fraud or manipulation.

Cherry Cube season is currently in the early business stages and involves the selling of randomized boxes containing a variety of “personalized goods.” Cherry Cube seasons, as well as their respective product offerings, will reflect unique themes that are featured. The cost of these various goods will also be tied to the market value of the token for consistency.

Participation stimulates token value

By doing so, this will help mint the Cherry token as a digital asset with real-life worth and usage. With all cylinders firing, this will lead to Cherry token being akin to fiat currency in the sense that it can be sold, used to complete transactions, access special events, and make purchases whether through the store or the various merchandise offered by Cherry Cube.

In order to address the concerns of their investors and democratize business decisions and direction, Cherry Cube has also established two facets called the Public-Advisor system and the Holder General Assembly system. These entities will ensure that diverse opinions and values are addressed and that all platform users will have their voices heard.

Cherry Cube could very well establish an effective intersection between retailers without market access and consumers lacking purchasing diversity through the implementation of their token-based economy.

Invest in the project starting April 1 12:00 KST: https://www.probit.com/en-us/ieo



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