Why Trade at ProBit Exchange?
ProBit’s Trade Mining and BuyBack Program

ProBit Global
ProBit Global
Published in
5 min readJan 4, 2019

In today’s crypto-market there is no shortage of exchanges to choose from. Trading in the ever-expanding variety of tokens can take careful consideration and research and requires an exchange that matches your wants and needs. Luckily for all, there is ProBit Exchange, the most professional and secure marketplace for digital assets in the world.

The important thing to keep in mind in choosing an exchange is to find one which is built to last with an ecosystem which is constructed in a way which can adapt and evolve adequately with the ever-changing environment of today’s crypto marketplace.

ProBit Exchange — A User Friendly Ecosystem

Built from the ground-up from the vision of Linux International’s former CEO Steve Woo and former CEO of B-Seed partners Hyunsu Do, ProBit is a South Korean-based coin-to-coin (C2C) exchange which will soon expand into major financial markets thanks to considerable interest sparked amongst professional day-traders already.

With a strong team and confident and proven leadership, ProBit stands at the forefront of crypto adoption and integration into the mainstream with a global processing capacity of 1,500,000 order matchings per second and a fully customizable dashboard perfect for beginners and seasoned traders alike.

ProBit plans to list over 150 tokens to trade with a wide selection of trading pairs available providing numerous investment options for traders. Although it is free for a token to be listed on its exchange, the team has carefully selected and only allowed projects which are worthwhile and worthy cryptocurrencies to be allowed on the platform.

Perhaps most importantly, and something that has been on the minds of those most hesitant in adopting cryptocurrencies from the beginning is security. ProBit has made a concerted effort from the start to ensure that users have a wide array of options for how they wish to secure their digital assets. Thanks to their FIDO U2F hardware security key — the latest generation of the U2F Protocol, & software-based 2FA support, ProBit ensures that they stand tall against all competition in offering users reliable and safe means of trading their assets.

Joining the exchange is easy as well and thanks to the release of their very own utility token — PROB — designed to work in unison with the exchange and act as the backbone of the ProBit ecosystem. Users of PROB will have even more advantages in joining including trading fee discounts, voting rights regarding new tokens to be listed, increased referral bonuses and early new features.

A utility token is an investment into a startup company, a crypto-crowdfunding of sorts. It is different from buying stock or security tokens however as instead of getting a small percentage of ownership of a company, those who participate in purchasing utility tokens are getting future access to products and services in return for their financial contributions, comparable to API keys. Most ICOs these days are intended for utility tokens.

While they are non-physical tokens which can be used in the future, utility tokens offer immediate advantages for both the company and consumer. In terms of ProBit for instance, all contributions and purchases of PROB help in the creation of the ProBit platform. Therefore, the more participants, the greater the product.

Trade Mining Will Be Available Soon

An exciting rebate program used throughout a promotional period, typically during the launch of an exchange, trade mining gives users a reward for each trade they make. Whereas transaction fees are the primary source of profit for most exchanges, trade mining reverses this by paying back a large portion or all user fees in the form of native tokens.

ProBit Exchange users will be able to enjoy this program shortly. This means that after the completion of every transaction on the ProBit platform (transactions where fees are not paid for using PROB), both the takers & makers will be rewarded with mined PROB tokens equal to 80% of the trading fee of the transaction. The award rate of PROB being based on the weighted average price of PROB for 3 days at the date of the trade.

This Trade Mining period will also allow traders who registered at ProBit and those who bought PROB, the chance to receive additional PROB through the program. A token of true tangible value on the exchange, PROB holders will also be prioritized during the distribution of airdrops whenever new coins are listed on the exchange. In short, everybody wins.

Introducing An Exclusive Buy-Back Program

Additionally, ProBit will also be issuing a Buy-Back program, reminiscent of an insurance policy, something of which is highly valued, yet hard to find in the crypto-marketplace. This Buy-Back program means that ProBit will use 20% of its profits from the exchange to repurchase up to 50% of all PROB tokens circulating on the exchange. This program will continue until 50% of PROB, or 100,000,000 of the total circulating supplies of PROB has been issued via the program.

A contingency reserve of sorts, this Buy-Back system from ProBit will help reduce supply and therefore increase value and demand, affording lasting PROB holders’ similar benefits to how blue-chip stocks pay dividends to equity owners.

The exciting and revolutionary practices being implemented by ProBit show tremendous confidence in the platform moving forward. The exchange is already online and running with trades across the world being completed daily. There is no question that ProBit Exchange is one of the most innovative platforms available, certain to make a huge impact in the global cryptocurrency marketplace.

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ProBit Global
ProBit Global

ProBit Global is a Top 20 crypto exchange worldwide providing unlimited access to trade and buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and 600+ altcoins in 1000+ markets.