Blogs I Will Be Following

Vetle Økland
Problem Based Learning
3 min readAug 24, 2016

Noroff wants us to follow a couple of blogs for the next couple of weeks, which I do think is a great idea. It is important to stay up-to-date on the recent news in our given fields. And blogs are a great way to do that, they are normally posted right after an event or an idea has transpired, and they are not blocked by editors, or publications’ timelines or issues.

I started off by choosing Troy Hunt’s blog. Troy Hunt created the (free!) service “Have I been pwned?” where he collects data from webpages that have had their user data leaked, so that anyone can go in and check that their online persona has not been leaked in any way (be that e-mails, home address, passwords, etc.).

It takes a lot of time and effort to create a service like this, and it seems like he does it just out of goodness from his heart. It does not generate any revenue for him.

From time to time he also post analysis and statistics from data breaches where he thoroughly describes what has happened and why.

I’m interested in graphics and user interface and I would like to learn more on this front. I took this assignment from Noroff as a great way to learn more, and I picked out Bjango’s blog as one of the blogs that I’m going to keep up to speed on.

“Intergalactic spinner” on Dribbble

Bjango creates beautiful apps, mainly, for iOS and macOS and their design lead Marc Edwards is a guru when it comes to creating graphical assets.

Marc Edwards explains everything from how to use tools to how their different ways of saving creates files of varying files sizes and why.

Lastly, on the blog front, I will be following Krebs on Security, which I probably should have been following a long time ago.

Brian Krebs is the main writes and is one of the biggest “thought leaders” in information security. On his blog, he seems to write about everything digital security with an extraordinary knowledge as to what is happening and why it is happening.

I’m looking forward to following these blogs more closely. For the last 3 or 4 years I’ve been following information security experts on Twitter and I have been reading a lot of their articles from there, but I have never actually followed and checked in on their blogs. Half a year ago I started listening to the podcast “Security Now” and if reading these blogs is anything like listening to Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte rambling on about security, I’ll have a blast.

