Reflect and practice more

Katie Hatzipetros
Problem Solving in the Work Place
2 min readMar 5, 2018

I have found from my research that I use problem solving all the time. From this research I really have learned different ways to make myself more confident when a problem comes my way. Practicing different ways to do solve different types of problems has really changed the way I think.

I think that whenever a problem comes up you have to use your intuition to decide what way is the best approach. Sometimes the first way that you try to solve a problem is not the best way and that is okay. There are many other options that you can have. Go with your gut, usually it has a way of telling you what is the right way.

I found that most of the problems that I had were small problems. For these small problems using brainstorming and looking at problems backwards helped me the most. They made me feel the most confident when finding the solution and when recent problems have some forward I was more confident to solve them because I had the knowledge.

Also, I have found that I am faster at dealing with the problems that I face. Every time that a new problem comes I am able to start to find a solution right away. My mind is able to process what need to be done better. I am not as hesitant to find where to start. Being able to find a solution faster can save a company time. Companies love when an employee is efficient and doesn’t waste their time. Time is a precious thing to waste and time means money for businesses.

Researching has really helped me to change the way that I do things. I will continue to practice problem-solving everyday. Reflecting on the way that I have problem solved and the information I got from research has shown me that this is something that I want to continue to do to make myself better. I hope that this blog has also helped you to find some new ways to problem-solve and has encouraged you to practice your skills too.

