Give your opinion with polls

What are polls and how can you benefit from them.

Samachar, Vichaar, Vyapaar
2 min readJan 3, 2023


What are polls and how can you benefit from them.

What are polls?

Like events — polls are a type of trading format on Probo. They are basically questions with more than two choices, like:

An example of a Poll on Probo app

While placing an order on a Poll, you can see the total number of traders who invested, and total volume of amount invested in a current round.

How to trade on polls?

Step 1 — Select an option which matches your prediction.

Generally a poll has 4 options that you can select from. There may be more and you can invest in more than 1 by placing different orders.

Step 2— Understand the market.

Once you select an option, a new screen opens where you can see the percentage of users who have traded on the different options. The percentage here also includes you and will change if you select any other option.

Step 3— Place an order.

By using the slider or with edit button, you can enter the total investment you want to put. Check potential returns and swipe to confirm your investment.

How to place a trade on Probo Polls?

How to track the orders placed on a poll?

Once traded, you can track potential returns. Potential returns will be inversely proportional to the amount invested on an option, which means, the more amount invested on an option by traders, the lesser the potential returns.

Potential returns of a Poll explained

In simple words, putting money on a less popular option and hence, more risky option, gets you more returns. These potential returns also keeps changing as more people come and put their money in this round. Once a round expires, your potential returns will be locked, and another round will start.

While trading on polls, you have to analyse all options well and decide the right answer.

Have more questions? Watch this short introduction to polls.

Watch a short introduction to Polls

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Samachar, Vichaar, Vyapaar

We make your Opinions matter so that you can earn with them. Our 5 million+ users can vouch for it!