Does Your Environment Affect Your Ability to Work Effectively?

Bryce Lutjen
Published in
1 min readDec 13, 2018

Unless you are some of the gifted people who are able to, or have learned to work effectively under chaotic environments, you probably are among the people who struggle to stay on task in distracting areas. Distracting areas have the ability to make people become off topic and procrastinate any task that they are doing. A good example of this occurring is in schools where students will be placed in a talkative classroom and feel the need to talk to the people around them instead of finishing the work assigned during the class. This leads to procrastination of the assignment till later that night and thus giving the student less free time after school. The ability to stay on task can be obtained with self discipline and being strong willed as well. Navy seals have been shown to be able to deal with stress and anxiety better than the average person during a stressful situation. The reason this relates is it shows that some people have the ability to work more effectively when there is distractions and stressful situations going on rather than average people where they will stop working effectively and finishing work. Relating back to the driving question it goes to show that some people or more likely to continue to work effectively under different environments than others because of what type of character they have developed themselves to become.

