The Reason You Procrastinate

Bryce Lutjen
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2018

This video is extremely powerful when it comes to beginning to realizing yourself as a procrastinator and also diminishing the stressful and dreadful habit of procrastination. She opens the interview with the question of who in the crowd believes they are a procrastinator. The man next to her is then astonished by the amount of people within the room that would consider themselves a procrastinator. This is powerful because it goes to show how many people in our society today believe they procrastinate often. Today being the age of technology, procrastination is even more likely because of all the technology and distractions that surround people. She then goes on to talk about how it is not about your character that makes you procrastinate but it is the stress in your life that is leading cause for your procrastination. Because of someones stress within their life it leads to the decision for them to procrastinate their assignments. She then relates procrastination to be much like a smokers addiction to go and take a smoke break. A smoke break is what smokers use to take a break and to relieve themselves from stress much like how procrastination is for a stressed out individual. By then neglecting the assignment they waste the time and find themselves even more stressed because the assignment is still not done hours later. She then concludes the interview with how to stop the stress and procrastination. She uses the simple idea of counting down from 5 to 1 and then immediately performing task after they get to 1. 80% of the time people will complete the task once they have actual began but it is that push to begin that is the difference of being stressed out and not being stressed out. Procrastination is not just a character trait it is only the product of someone being stressed and can be fixed with the acceptance and realization that you are stressed and that you can only do the your job to the best of your ability. Whatever task you are waiting to start on it is only about the start.

