Why I Procrastinate.

Bryce Lutjen
Published in
1 min readDec 7, 2018

Over the past year i have picked up a very stressful habit of procrastinating all of my assignments and activities. It is not my ability to have self discipline to get the assignments done it is the fact that i feel that I have zero passion to complete the assignments. Everything I have found that i am passionate about I will make sure to complete it before anything else comes before it. When it comes to school work and other task that I do not feel passionate for I will put it off until “crunch time” as my parents would call it. “Crunch time” is that time period where you have little to no time to start it and then you are panicking and rushing through the work. I find myself in this “crunch time” period a lot more often than I should be given the amount of time I waste when i could be doing the assignment. I will many distractions during my free time to avoid doing my homework or task such as playing xbox or looking through social media at pointless post. until about an hour has gone by I begin to realize that i am just wasting my time. By doing this research of procrastination and writing the articles about it I am hoping to have more knowledge of what really makes me not stay on task and get my work done on time. The longer I procrastinate the more things will be needed to get done and creates unwanted stress within my life

