Digital Photo Imaging

Lucy Yifan Yu
Process Book
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2016

In this class that we’re taking with Dylan Vitone, we’re learning how to use digital tools to manipulate images to build narratives. We are given prompts each week to create images that convey a certain narrative based on the prompts, which could vary from portraying a myth, to visually decoding a musical composition. We talk about what makes for an effective narrative, how to achieve certain effects, and most of all…experiment and have fun!

| WEEK ONE: The Myth

This week, we focused on using two frames to capture the essence of a myth based on our own choosing. The class approached the prompt in very different manners, but all came up with very interesting compositions. We discussed the stories that were being told through the frames, and how effective they were in carrying out the message.

I chose a myth called “Momotaro” — “The Peach Boy” — which is an old Japanese folklore that follows the life of a boy born from a peach. The story begins with an old woman who goes down by the stream to wash her clothes, and spots a peach floating on the water. She picks up the peach, intending to eat it, but discovers a baby boy inside. She brings home the baby, and the old woman and her husband decide to raise the baby and name him Momotaro. As Momotaro grows up, he embarks on an adventure where he befriends a monkey, a dog, and a bird, and they work together as a team to defeat ogres and obtain treasures, bringing his parents pride.

Initial sketches:

Visual elements:

Final two frames for Momotaro:


  • literal and direct
  • density of content well contained with only two frames

These are a few of my favourites during today’s crit:

Things to think about:

  • digital painting
  • mandala / patterns
  • high contrast, dramatic effect, theatrical elements
  • collages
  • action / movement

| WEEK TWO: Music and Image

I chose Prelude and Fugue in C Major. I thought about how to create the images based on themes and characteristics found in the song, particularly the tranquil and repetitive nature of the song. I chose to use images of nature and try to understand the colours that were found in the images, and blend them in a way that showed gradual gradients of serene colours.


  • The gradient is very subtle, soothing
  • Artifical gradients implied synthetic music — not the feeling I was trying to convey

| WEEK THREE: Interactive Print Piece


Gravely Snowblower Dogeater Part

  • boring
  • lives in a cold place
  • super wordy, practical


  • sketch of the entryway of a house with coat hangers and fur coat, hat, boots etc



Lucy Yifan Yu
Process Book

designer by day / colourful by culture / human by heart