Refining the conceptualization and creating a village map

Shruti Aditya Chowdhury
CD Studio Documentation
2 min readSep 12, 2015

After showing Catherine and Dixon my conceptual model, I decided to just break it up into bigger chunks or sections. I used the shapes to signify how structured the content is. So the section on the History of experience design is very text-book like; starting off with factual information and then spreading in terms of scope. The goal on the other hand is even more ‘clear-cut’. Shedroff lays down basic tenants of good experience design. He ends by introducing the topic of sensorial design but leaves the scope and concept open-ended.

Stacie’s feedback was that the diagram makes it look like the book is very clearly structured when in fact, it is not. I’m now working on how to communicate the cross-linkages in the book and how the content doesn’t always fit perfectly into my boxes when read in a linear fashion.

Sarah suggested that I use colour (which I had initially but differentiating by shape had seemed enough).

When I drew it on the whiteboard again, I realized there was a bit I had forgotten about!
Finding the landmarks, nodes, paths, districts and edges in the conceptual model.

There are certain pages that helped me figure out the conceptual model. I’ll be posting them next. To reflect the order of topics in the book, I’m changing the position of some of the elements around. I think I’m also going to have post a summary of the symbols and idea of the ‘village map’.

