Weekend Process Notes

Is it “Safe” to Own an Assault Weapon at Age 21? Or Age 45? Or 60?

We already know how to stop mass school murders


Photo by Aaron Doucett on Unsplash

On Tuesday, in Uvalde, Texas, 19 mainly Mexican American children and 2 of their teachers were murdered in school while desperate parents outside were bullied by white police officers. One burly policeman shoved an anxious father— I think he fell back to the ground, it was on the news and hard to see — while another handcuffed a mother trying to get to her child — since the officers were, literally, standing around.

No one has explained why it took almost 90 minutes for anyone to get into the classroom, the murder scene. No one has said when — -what time exactly — the children were murdered. No one has said if fewer children would have been murdered, had the police officers forced their way into that classroom instead of hanging out, bullying parents.

All-day, the news was getting more offensive. All-day, watching MSNBC, ml “liberal” cable news channel, was increasingly disgusting. Almost all of the men interviewed, — liberal Democrats — were calling for gun safety laws. But what they were calling laws advocating gun safety was “age-limits” so “You must be 21-years-old to purchase an assault rifle.”

Wait a minute. What’s safe about a 21-year-old owning an assault rifle? Is this what we’ve come to?

There’s nothing safe about a young man at 21, or 23, or 25 owning an assault rifle. There’s nothing safe about any citizen being able to purchase an assault rifle. Assault rifles don’t belong in the hands of citizens. They’re designed to pulverize people. They’re made for war.

Here’s something else disgusting. Most interviewed seemed eager to tell the reporter: “I own guns, I support the Second Amendment, but I advocate safety restrictions on gun ownership.

Why were so many liberal Democratic men, so eager to brag about the guns they own? Why weren’t they ashamed to tell us about their own, personal, gun ownership?

It seems we’re going for the lowest common denominator on gun reform. Are we going to be selling nuclear weapons next year? And insist you can’t have one until you’re 25? Is that our future?

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog

