Quick read: 5 Ways to Run a Better Meeting

Process PA Team
Online Governance with Process PA
3 min readOct 24, 2018


Meetings are so important to the success of a company, board meetings especially. If companies can’t have successful meetings, they run the risk of poor performance and under delivering on their company goals.

That being said, there are some pretty simple things meeting organisers can do to run better meetings. We’ve thrown together the 5 ways you can run a better meeting.

1. Have a Clear Agenda

A well-planned meeting is a well-run meeting. Make sure the Agenda is sent out with plenty of time for attendees to be across all that is going to happen. An agenda can act as clear stepping stones for the meeting. It will also help keep the meeting running on time while covering all the important parts that need to be covered.

Notifying and asking for input from board members before the meeting is vital. You want people’s input so make sure they have everything needed to contribute before the meeting. For example, if you want to pass a motion to purchase something, make sure all attachments, like quotes are sent out.

2. Stay Focused

You have an agenda. Stick to it. Have an idea of the time each agenda item should take and gently keep the meeting moving and on track. Try not to rush ahead and jump from item to item, spend time on each item.

Once again, to ensure people do feel included, make sure you have given opportunity for attendees to add items to the agenda well before the meeting. Nothing drags a meeting out and pushes back important decisions like unfocused meetings.

3. Make Sure Everyone Gets Their Say

Everyone wants to be heard. The chair of the meeting is to ensure they balance personalities. Often it just involves checking in with the introverts. Make sure you hear feedback.

Do your meetings go too long or even too short? Do people feel they are able to make a contribution? If you have someone who interrupts lots give them a stopwatch to keep everyone on track.

4. Take Action and Follow up

The best meetings are where decisions are made. To be able to do that action items need to be done between of the meeting. Make sure any actions are clearly assigned with due date and are followed up at the next meeting.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Over time you will get better at all of the above. Be patient with yourself and others. Remember the greater purpose of why you are running the meetings. It is a tough but very important service you are providing. Hang in there!

At Process PA, we help your implement and record your board documents and deliver them quickly to your committee through our easy-to use online board portal.

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Article updated from original, posted here.



Process PA Team
Online Governance with Process PA

At Process PA, we help your implement and record your board documents and deliver them quickly to your committee through our easy-to use online board portal.