What is the difference between a volunteer and an employee?

Process PA Team
Online Governance with Process PA
4 min readNov 18, 2018


Not for profit organizations are comprised of a wide variety of people in order to carry out its mission and vision. Naturally, some people work to get paid while others do it as volunteer work or for charitable purposes.

It is important to understand the difference between those two categories before planning your management program or strategy.

Paid work

This is pretty straightforward, paid work is a position you a given in a company or a service you a paid, by a person/company, to perform. The most common of these positions can see you working as a trainee, intern, consultant, or a part/full-time employee.


The main difference between the two are volunteers are usually part-time and unpaid. They will usually donate their time for a public service, religious, or educational purpose.

The main differences

Other than how they are defined, there are other differences between a volunteer and a paid worker.

There are three main categories for which volunteers and paid workers differ, these are:


Paid Workers are given definite job descriptions for which their salary and position is based. They also undergo more complicated interviews and tests to ensure that the employer gets the best out of its money and hires the most qualified person in terms of skills and education.

Volunteer workers, on the other hand, have diversified job roles that do not necessarily have to be in sync with his or her experience. Moreover, every person who has the potential and drives to be a volunteer may be hired to an organization.

Regardless of paid or non-paid status, they are bound by the labor code of the area that they work in, with the same benefits and liabilities that may come with that.


Paid workers often have set hours per day or a specific count of days per week. Most of the time, whatever is in excess of that is considered as over time that the employer has to pay as well.

Volunteers may operate on the same shifts and use the same timesheets as paid workers, however, they are mostly working around their other obligations, such as their paid work. Therefore more flexibility is usually expected.

Side Bar: Unpaid Internships
Internships that are unpaid and where you may “volunteer” your time does not count as volunteering. Internships are designed to provide interns with work experience in their chosen industry and field.


Paid workers are employed in order for them to earn a living. Their main goal could be to generate money from their employment to pay for their needs.

That does not, however, preclude them from the same reason volunteers work at an organizations. Some workers are hired that do believe greatly in the cause that the organization is striving for.

Volunteers work because they believe in the cause that the organization is campaigning for. It may also be in line with their passion or talent.

Their compensations come in the form of fulfilment from carrying out the activities of the organization.

Management Difference

Given the aforementioned differences, we have lined up basic management guidelines for both paid workers and volunteers.

It is important to note, however, that management style varies depending on the type and culture of the organization and each individual.

Managing Both Similarly

1 Appreciation
Everyone wants to feel that what they are doing has a good impact. Always appreciate your staff either verbally or through written letters.

This may sound simple but it can definitely go a long way in terms of motivating and managing people.

2 Sense of Responsibility
It is important to make volunteers feel that they own what they are doing and that they are headed towards the mission of the organization.

This is similar to making paid workers feel accountable to the results of their tasks and showing them the impact of their actions for the advancement of their career in the organization.

3 Clear Communication
Always provide clear communication mediums for both volunteers and paid staff. Miscommunications and confusions can easily demotivate people.

Managing Both Differently

1 Tone of Command
It is important to take into account all the time that volunteers are not paid which means that the tone of command should always be evaluated.

For volunteers, the tone should often play around the idea that this is a teamwork project. People are teammates, there are no solid bosses or subordinates.

2 Working Hours
Again, the issue of not being paid is very important. When asking for volunteers to work overtime it is imperative that you ask them if they are comfortable with the time frame that you have in mind.

This is to ensure that the volunteer and you are on the same page.

3 Resources
There are always expenses incurred when doing volunteer work, ensure at all times that costs that are related to working on organizational activities are reimbursed properly.

Volunteers are often confused as donors, but they are not. Whereas employees have allowances to pay for these expenses beforehand, volunteers personal expenses need to be taken into consideration and acknowledged.

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Article updated from original, posted here.



Process PA Team
Online Governance with Process PA

At Process PA, we help your implement and record your board documents and deliver them quickly to your committee through our easy-to use online board portal.