Aug 2nd: Gospel appreciation day

Bobby Moss
Processing Life
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2012

I am declaring that August 2nd is Gospel appreciation day!

  • Let all those who love Jesus and say they are followers of Him live like it!
  • Remember that sin is disgusting and you did NOTHING to redeem yourself — Jesus did it ALL.
  • Embrace the life that you did not earn but were given based on the sacrifice of Jesus.
  • Find joy in the truth that you could change nothing about yourself that would make God redeem you or love you more — both before you met Him or after.
  • Find peace in the truth that God is continually working on you and is always with you.
  • Find passion in the truth that God wants you to join Him in what He is doing in the world (though He doesn’t need you to accomplish it).

Appreciate the Gospel today!!!

  • Appreciate the Gospel by caring about the type of person you are!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by caring about the type of character you have!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by caring about the type of words that come out of your mouth!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by knowing the names of those who live around you!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by learning the stories of those you interact with!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by treating cab drivers and waitresses and fast food workers like actual human beings and not endentured servants.
  • Appreciate the Gospel by speaking truth from a spirit of compassion and not of judgement!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by disagreeing with people respectfully and not in harshness!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by communicating your disagreement of politicians without insulting them!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being concerned with how the poor are treated!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being concerned with how immigrants are treated!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being concerned with how the LGBT community is treated!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by caring about the manner in which you talk to people!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being a person of truthful character!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being an honorable person!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being a person of justice!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being a person of purity!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being a lovely person!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being a person who can be commended!
  • Appreciate the Gospel by being a person of excellence!

Appreciate the Gospel by living it!

Because how you live out the gospel with the people you actually interact with day in and day out is more important than if you bought a spicy chicken yesterday.

Gospel Appreciation: not just Aug 2nd.




Bobby Moss
Processing Life

chicago husband daddy jesusfollower prof learner pastor gamer reader creative starwarsjunkie messup redeemed