Day 13: The Israel Museum

Bobby Moss
Processing Life
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2015

My flight out of Tel Aviv leaves tomorrow at 9:50am (1:50am Chicago time!). The trip has indeed come to an end, however I have about 3–4 more days I still need to post pics of. This past Monday after we returned from Eilat we had classes in the morning and then a “field” trip to visit the Israel Museum in the afternoon. Over 300 pictures — thank God for digital images because that’s how many pics I took at the museum. Just posting some of my favorite ones here:

This awesome group of students is ready to explore ancient artifacts:


The Israel Museum:


Ancient altar for sacrifices:


At time of posting this, I’m going totally blank on what Scripture this is from. Correction pending. =)


Ancient mirror. It would have been polished to a person could see their reflection. It is what James is referring to in 1:23–24, “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like.”


Archeological proof for King David and his dynasty. The white lettering on the stone says, “House of David.”


Stone which mentions the year King Uzziah died, as mentioned in Isaiah 6:1.


Image depicting the animalistic and brutal way techniques of the Assyrians, those whom the prophet Jonah was reluctant to go to:


Early piece which has Numbers 6:24–26 written on it:


Ancient writing exhibit:


Stone found which specifically mentions Ponticus Pilate:


Ancient coins, arrows and weapons:


Exhibit showing an ancient synagogue layout in comparison to an early church layout:


The goddess Dionysus:


Statue of Artemus of Ephesus:


Carving of Hercules:


Hookah in the holy land:


“Don’t touch the coffins!”


Model showing what Jerusalem may have looked like at the time of the temple:


We got to see actual pieces from the Dead Sea Scrolls. I was Bible-geeking out here:


Only a few more posts before I have the whole trip posted. Here are the previous posts for each day:

Israel Bound
Day One: Made it to Israel!

Day Two: Heading north from Tel Aviv
Day Three: From the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem
Day Four: Pictures & Video of the Herodium
Video of walking through Hezekiah’s Tunnel
Day Five: Walking a 1/3 of a mile in a dark, tight tunnel
Day Six: Two holy sites and a flea market
Day Seven: Temple Institute & Western Wall Tunnels
Day Eight: From the top of the Mount of Olives to the Pool of Bethesda
Day Nine: The walls come tumbling down and one awesome cave
Day Ten & Eleven: Fun and worship in Eilat
Day Twelve: Amazing views of the desert



Bobby Moss
Processing Life

chicago husband daddy jesusfollower prof learner pastor gamer reader creative starwarsjunkie messup redeemed