XMPP Academy #3 Video and Slides

Mickaël Rémond
Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2016

We recently had our third XMPP Academy live online event. Thank you for all our customers who attended and for all the questions we received.

Here are the questions that were covered during that session:

  1. ejabberd questions:
  • How does Apple and Google Push support work on ejabberd SaaS and ejabberd Business Edition ? direct link — 1m20s
  • What is the relationship between ejabberd Push support and XEP-0357: Push Notifications ? direct link — 22m34s

2. XMPP questions:

The full video recording of that session is now online and available for everyone to enjoy.

Originally published at blog.process-one.net on January 4, 2016.



Mickaël Rémond

@ProcessOne founder. Go, Erlang, Elixir, Swift developer. Building realtime messaging, push notification and reactive systems. @ejabberd, @boxcar, fluux lead.