A New Site for A Continuing Mission

Ken Winter
Proclaiming Him
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2016

We proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ. For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. Col 1:28–29 NASB

Today we are launching this new blog site entitled “Proclaiming Him”. We have rolled over my previous posts and will continue to add to it in the days ahead. My goal — and my prayer — in all that i write — is that His truth is proclaimed, His work and His gospel are lifted up, His Kingdom is extended and His Name is glorified. In so doing, i pray that each of us — myself included — is admonished and taught with all wisdom as the Holy Spirit of Christ is at work in each of us in perfecting us in Him.

But for what purpose?

That we are merely trophies of His grace? Or rather, that we are ambassadors of His grace — striving according to His power and laboring to make His Name known among all peoples — making disciples who in turn make disciples.

Of all people, i am the most obstinate and thick-headed — and my LORD has repeatedly and lovingly spoken to me in “threes” in order to seize my attention. When He showed me these verses some twenty-five years ago — and impressed them upon my heart as a “life verse” — He showed me clearly that the mission is “every” person — all peoples. The mandate is no less. His commission to all of us as His followers is clear.

Therefore, prayerfully by His grace and empowered by His Spirit, i will continue to labor — and i will continue to strive — according to His purpose. I pray that we will strive and labor to proclaim Him together!

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Ken Winter
Proclaiming Him

A disciple of Christ, an extremely blessed husband, a proud father and grandfather — all by God’s grace