Carpe Diem! Procrastinate your schoolwork, not your life.

Taryn Schuster
Procrastination Nation
3 min readDec 13, 2016

Seize the day. We have all heard it time and time again. But do we, as humans that only get one life to live, really live for the day? Although it makes sense to procrastinate your schoolwork (though it is not recommended), it doesn’t make sense to procrastinate your life.

Ellie Vonderhaar, one of my very best friends and true believer in making the most out of every day she is given, sat down with me to discuss how she plans her entire life around carpe diem.

“My whole life is based off the Mumford and Sons quote ‘In these bodies we will live, in these bodies we will die, and where you invest your love, you invest your life’. I don’t want to waste my life doing things that I don’t love and I should do those things now! Don’t procrastinate your life, live in the now!” she says.

Ellie and her fish, Moonshine.

When Ellie was in high school, she lost her dear friend Caleb unexpectedly. Rather than moping around, she decided to take action in her own life. “There are so many opportunities out there to enjoy yourself and have experiences, and because of Caleb, I stopped saying ‘next time’ to the things I love and started saying ‘now’.”

If we as humans are just waiting around for things to happen to us, we are going to get no where. One of the biggest gifts that we have in life is to follow our own paths. We can choose the clothes we wear, the haircuts we have, the trips we take and the memories we make. Each one of these things then goes on to shape who we are.

Life is all about human experience and without those experiences we are nothing. One of the biggest ways I have come to believe this is through traveling. The way people celebrate their culture around the world is truly one of the more beautiful things out there. From touring an olive oil farm in Sevilla, Spain to simply hiking in Door County, WI, every experience I have gotten from traveling has been more than rewarding. If I would have just sat back and said “no, I don’t want to go to Spain, it’s too much money”, I would have missed out on an experience of a lifetime that I now carry with me forever. Live for the beauty of the world and all that comes with it.

Sunny Spain with my best friend Lauren!

Another way to not procrastinate, is by living healthy. Not just in what you eat and when you exercise, but in mind and soul. You are not going to have a twenty year old body forever, its going to get old, take care of it. But do not be afraid to treat your self every once in a while! If you want that chocolate cake because you know it will make you feel better, you eat that chocolate cake (heck I’m eating a piece of pizza as I am writing this)! But don’t overdo it, everything in moderation. Don’t procrastinate going to the gym either, a little exercise goes a long way!

Additionally, don’t forget about your mind and soul. In an article published on the wellness website, Amy D., they state that “the mind is considered to be the center and the foundation of your soul and your spiritual body. Certain areas of the mind govern will, emotion, intellect and reason. These areas must be fed and kept just as healthy as your physical body.” No matter how much you exercise, and how healthy you eat, your life is going to go no where unless you have a healthy mind and soul. It’s what drives you to wake up in the morning and start your day. It’s what makes you want to make the most out of your life because we are only given one of them.


If you’re unhappy with your life, don’t wait until two weeks from now, or even tomorrow for that matter! Start now. Life is short, LIVE IT UP AND NEVER WAIT FOR LATER.



Taryn Schuster
Procrastination Nation

Avid fan of Harry Potter and lover of mac ’n’ cheese.