Egg and Sperm Freezing vs. Targeted Matchmaking

The intricacies of egg freezing, sperm freezing, and target matchmaking

Procreate Match
Procreate Match
2 min readMay 16, 2024


In the realm of family planning, modern advancements have provided individuals with an array of options to navigate the journey of parenthood. Two prominent strategies that have gained traction in recent years are egg freezing and sperm freezing, offering reproductive autonomy and flexibility. However, alongside these methods, the concept of target matchmaking has emerged as a unique approach for those ready to embark on the path of parenthood. Let’s delve into the intricacies of egg freezing, sperm freezing, and target matchmaking, examining their benefits, limitations, and how they shape the landscape of family planning.

Egg Freezing: Empowering Women’s Reproductive Choices

Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, has revolutionized fertility preservation for women. This technique involves retrieving a woman’s eggs, freezing them, and storing them for future use. It provides women with the opportunity to preserve their fertility, whether they wish to delay childbearing for personal or medical reasons.

One of the primary advantages of egg freezing is its ability to extend the reproductive lifespan of women. This is particularly valuable for those pursuing educational or career goals, as well as those who have yet to find a suitable partner but desire biological children in the future. Egg freezing offers a sense of empowerment and control over one’s reproductive timeline.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the limitations of egg freezing. Success rates vary depending on factors such as age and the quality of eggs. Additionally, the process can be physically and emotionally demanding, involving hormonal stimulation and invasive procedures. Cost can also be a barrier for some individuals, as egg freezing is often not covered by insurance.

Sperm Freezing: Providing Options for Men

Sperm freezing, or sperm cryopreservation, serves as a counterpart to egg freezing, offering men the opportunity to preserve their fertility. Similar to egg freezing, sperm freezing involves collecting sperm samples and storing them for future use. It is commonly utilized by men facing medical treatments that may impact fertility, such as chemotherapy, or by those who wish to ensure their ability to father children later in life. Many men don’t realize that although they can often have children later in life than women, it’s best to conceive before ages 35–40 for the highest chances of conception and the best results based on sperm motility and quantity.

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