Secrets of UX Design for Blockchain

An i-pad and keyboard. An image of blockchain beside it.

In the past few months, while talking to multiple people, some of which were cryptocurrency investors, I realized there is a lot of confusion around blockchain technology. The designers shared a common problem among users: a lack of trust while working on the blockchain projects. A user-centric approach needs to be developed in the UX design of blockchain-based websites/apps.

Blockchain is the most talked-about technology; it has numerous applications and has immense future potential. It has new applications made to disrupt entire industries, and it is used to establish and manage secure digital relationships. Technology is often a barrier to many users adopting Blockchain, and there are ways in which we can solve this barrier as UX researchers and designers.

Various applications of Blockchain are as follows:

  • Secure sharing of medical data
  • NFT marketplaces
  • Music royalties tracking
  • Cross-border payments
  • Real-time IoT operating systems
  • Personal identity security
  • Anti-money laundering tracking system
  • Supply chain and logistics monitoring
  • Voting mechanism
  • Advertising insights
  • Original content creation
  • Cryptocurrency exchange
  • The real estate processing platform
Various applications of blockchain are shown like AI, healthcare, government, cyber-security, healthcare, banking, real estate, social media, and supply chain.

Blockchain has a huge impact, and its user coverage is cosmic. A lack of customer-centricity in blockchain-based apps will destroy the technology’s potential. The current development-centric approach ignores UX and design, which might not be fruitful for user satisfaction.

Things need to be considered while designing blockchain-based apps/websites.

  1. Use of Linguistics: Most users confuse Blockchain with cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. There is unawareness regarding the key concepts and terms of blockchain technology. Terms like a ledger, public key, private key are unfamiliar. But the user understands personal address and layman words, and web users are familiar with usernames and passwords. The solution to the complex blockchain terminology is to use user-centric language to deliver a clear and concise message/ information.
Use user centric language in UX design for blockchain
  1. Personas Mapping: Most cryptocurrency users are a sophisticated group, but Blockchain has an additional customer base. Developing personas of the users to understand their blockchain knowledge base will help design user-centric apps/websites. Surveys, focus-group discussions, and questionnaires are quantitative research methods that can help cover huge masses in UX Research.
Persona Mapping example showing an image of a man with his details like his needs, likes, dislikes and about me on the right side
  1. Empathizing with the User: There is always fear and lower trust with unfamiliar things to humans. Blockchain has applications that deal with people’s identities, large amounts of money, sensitive information, and replacing legacy systems. It is essential to empathize with the user to discover design approaches to establish credibility in the technology.
An image of a girl in the center with details about her on each corner like what she says, thinks, does, and feels.
  1. Information Delivery: The user needs to know what actions to take to go forward and complete a task. Avoid non-actionable data in the pool of other information to achieve task completion. Avoid using jargon and create active guidance and feedback by anticipating the mistakes.

While Designing a blockchain app/website, the aim is to make it look credible, transparent, and easy to use. Most good designers will employ the techniques above to make the UX design user-centric. At Procreator, we have helped many companies like WazirX to uplift their User Experience.

We help companies improve their User Experience and expand their customer base. We are experts in transforming digital products; contact us for your company’s journey to better UX.

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Originally Published at ProCreator Blog, by —@Ashish Saiwal.

