The Power of Technology in Agriculture: Procur’s Impact on Small-Scale Farmers

Kareem P. Jackson
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2023
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Hey there, fellow Procur enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s close to our hearts — the incredible power of technology in agriculture and how Procur is transforming the lives of small-scale and local farmers. 🌱

We all know that small-scale farmers play a vital role in our food system, contributing to the diversity and sustainability of our agricultural landscape. However, they often face significant challenges when it comes to accessing larger markets and competing with larger agricultural enterprises. This is where Procur steps in, and its impact is nothing short of revolutionary.

**1. Bridging the Market Gap**

One of the biggest hurdles that small-scale farmers face is connecting with buyers and accessing broader markets. Traditional methods of distribution often involve intermediaries, reducing farmers’ profits and limiting their reach. Procur disrupts this old model by providing a digital platform that connects farmers directly with buyers.

Imagine a local farmer who used to rely on a middleman to sell their produce at a local market. With Procur, they can now list their products online, making them visible to a wide range of potential buyers, from local restaurants and grocery stores to larger distributors. This newfound visibility is leveling the playing field and giving small-scale farmers a fair shot at reaching more customers.

**2. Transparency and Fair Pricing**

Procur doesn’t just stop at connecting farmers with buyers; it’s also committed to transparency and fair pricing. Through our platform, farmers can showcase their products, including details about farming practices, certifications, and even their personal stories. This transparency builds trust with consumers who are increasingly concerned about where their food comes from and how it’s produced.

Furthermore, Procur uses data analytics to help farmers determine fair prices for their products based on market demand, seasonality, and other factors. This ensures that small-scale farmers receive a fair and competitive price for their hard work, which is often a game-changer for their financial stability.

**3. Access to Resources and Expertise**

Procur doesn’t just offer a marketplace; it’s a comprehensive platform that provides valuable resources and expertise to small-scale farmers. Our platform hosts a wealth of educational content, ranging from sustainable farming practices to marketing strategies. We believe that knowledge is power, and we’re committed to empowering farmers with the information they need to succeed.

Additionally, Procur connects farmers with experts in various fields, from agronomy to logistics, to help them optimize their operations and navigate the challenges of modern agriculture. This support network is invaluable for small-scale farmers who might not have access to these resources otherwise.

**4. Sustainability and Innovation**

Last but not least, Procur is a champion of sustainability and innovation in agriculture. We encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly practices that not only benefit the environment but also meet the growing demand for sustainable products. Our platform also promotes innovation by connecting farmers with agtech solutions that can improve efficiency and reduce waste.

In conclusion, Procur is more than just a marketplace; it’s a game-changer for small-scale and local farmers. By providing them with a platform to reach broader markets, ensuring fair pricing, offering access to resources and expertise, and promoting sustainability, we are leveling the playing field and helping small-scale farmers thrive in an increasingly competitive world.

Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to harness the power of technology in agriculture to support and empower our farming communities. Together, we can create a more sustainable, inclusive, and delicious future for all! 🚜🌾🌍 #ProcurFarmersRock #AgricultureTech #SmallScaleFarmers

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories and updates from Procur!

Ready to make a difference? Join the sustainability movement today! Download the Procur app on iOS or Android and start connecting with farmers and buyers to help reduce food waste and build a more sustainable future for all. Together, we can make a significant difference in the world of agriculture and sustainability.



Kareem P. Jackson
Editor for

I am the founder of a digital product studio, Ghost Savvy Studios....Where Innovation Meets Design