Introducing P10X

A new type of publication dedicated to the future of procurement. Applying Google’s 10x thinking, to business relationships, collaboration and innovation.

Mark Perera
P10x: Procurement Innovation


For over a decade, I have dedicated my working life to supporting procurement executives to connect, share and implement best practice via my first business Procurement Leaders. Since stepping out of an operating role at Procurement Leaders and setting up Old St Labs, I have felt a bit lost for place to write and share my thoughts on the future of procurement.

Twitter is fine, but 140 characters is a little bit short. Linkedin is great, but its’s noisy over there. Medium, with its beautiful interface and collaborative approach, is the perfect home for P10x.

P10x, takes is name from Google’s 10x approach to improving things and solving problems.

Captain of Moonshots, Astro Teller oversees Google[x]

10x is Easier than 1o Percent

It’s often easier to make something 10 times better than it is to make it 10 percent better.

Yes … really.

Because when you’re working to make things 10 percent better, you inevitably focus on the existing tools and assumptions, and on building on top of an existing solution that many people have already spent a lot of time thinking about. Such incremental progress is driven by extra effort, extra money, and extra resources. It’s tempting to feel improving things this way means we’re being good soldiers, with the grit and perseverance to continue where others may have failed — but most of the time we find ourselves stuck in the same old slog.

But when you aim for a 10x gain, you lean instead on bravery and creativity — the kind that, literally and metaphorically, can put a man on the moon…

That’s what 10x does that 10 percent could never do. 10x can light a fire in hearts, and it’s hard not to get excited and think that other, seemingly impossible things might also be possible.”

Taken from 2013 Wired article

I will continue to write on the Old St Labs & Vizibl (Enterprise SaaS solution helping to build collaborative business relationship) blogs and support Procurement Leaders where possible. But I will now be focusing my procurement writing here on P10x.

As P10x is a publication on Medium, I will be looking to collaborate with others, who share similar thinking to myself. So please feel free to submit your articles.

If your article is not hosted on Medium, it's not a problem. I have set up a weekly P10x newsletter of the top writing and content from around the internet. So send your link to me via twitter and I’ll review it for addition in one of the future issues.

P1ox will also hook-up with the 11K plus followers of the @procurement handle, which I co-curate with Alex Short.

Super Moon Image by davejdoe /Flickr



Mark Perera
P10x: Procurement Innovation

CEO & Founder of Vizibl. Helping to supercharge customer & supplier relationships with Vizibl.