How AI Provides Tracking of Products

James Diaz
Procurement and Sourcing Hub
3 min readJan 15, 2021
How AI Provides Tracking of Products

Certain pharmaceutical products and vaccines require strict temperature maintenance to remain fresh. Frozen foods should be kept in relatively low-temperature conditions to prevent bacterial growth that can otherwise infect the food. For most of the products, specifically vaccines and fresh produce, it is essential to maintain an unbroken chain of refrigerated conditions to keep them fresh and safe from adverse situations.

Therefore, perishable items must reach their destination without any compromise on their quality. The transition of such products from production place to storage and shipping takes into account a lot of safety environmental parameters and must stay within a specific temperature range. However, it is almost impossible for quality control experts to monitor these manually. But, it becomes possible with the use of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technologies that mitigate the risks associated with the shipment of products and ensure corrective action is taken on detection of any issue.

In this context, you will gain insight into the four categories of artificial intelligence tools that can confer its helping hand.

Descriptive analytics

An organization is highly dependent on the data provided from various sections to conduct operations and make informed decisions. With the help of descriptive analytics, quality control experts can gain insight into the actual context that lies behind every data. This type of analysis can have the capability to receive signals from multiple sources at a time. For instance, it can send vibration alerts if any temperature change occurs within a product while shifting it from the cold chain to the vehicles. Or, in other cases, if a box falls from the truck, the analytic system can send a false positive signal, thereby making the driver cautious of any product loss.

Predictive analytics

This type of analytics works incredibly in predicting any type of theft by gathering information based on a compilation of various sources.

For instance, this analytic program can determine the weather of the current location, combine the information with the raining possibility in that area, and even check if it is the holiday time of the day in that location. It will then combine the information and calculate to give real-time information even before the trip is over. Besides, it can provide insights into the battery condition and predict episodes of sensor failure.

Diagnostic analytics

This is another field where artificial intelligence works in an unbelievably good way. It offers real-time assessment for the safety of goods being transferred from one place to the other. With the help of diagnostic analytics, procurement consultants can easily prioritize one message over the other and decrease the ping rate, if for some reason the data is running low.

Additionally, it can help reduce the data bandwidth ensuring that redundant data is suppressed.

Prescriptive analytics

With the help of prescriptive analytics, one can easily optimize the best possible routes available for the delivery of products and services, mitigate any risk factor associated with the transfer of goods, makes use of environment-friendly strategies to reduce the cost of energy and reduce the emission of carbon. in other words, it effectively streamlines the operations across the cold chain.

The procurement consultants can incorporate these AI tools in their operations to bring results for the organizations.

