Optimizing Procurement Spend with AI and Technology

Optimizing Procurement Spend with AI and Technology

James Diaz
Procurement and Sourcing Hub


The quote “Money saved is money earned” is true for supply chain leaders and procurement subcontractors these days. Largely, they are not only expected to diminish the costs but additionally fund future business growth and innovation. While spend management is one of the obvious priorities of all these functions, it is something complex and easier said than done. Spend normally occurs across the company from particular employees to multiple, functions and units across regions.

The lack of transparency in spending data across facilities, suppliers, and categories prevail. Procurement leaders need to increase their savings without compromising on delivery risks and supplier performance. On the other hand, supply chain experts need to ensure responsiveness and continuity of their multi-supply and complex chains and also manage costs. Along the same lines, technology and artificial intelligence can optimize procurement spend. However, the adoption of digital tech varies from moderate to bleak. Read on to know more.

Benefits of Using Digital Technologies


Simply digitizing procurement workflows and sourcing using cloud-based solutions can diminish operating costs and cycle times. Instead, using a slew of cloud-based solutions from department to department in an organization can make the processes become faster, smarter and more efficient.


Layering the digitized methods with smart technologies can generate a subsequent level of marketing results. Companies and procurement consultants are utilizing analytics and machine learning to achieve a firm-wide representation of spending across divisions, suppliers, and types of equipment, and utilizing the insights to combine millions to their bottom-line. Industries are managing machine learning to automate inventory matching and cash processing to degrade accounting trouble. Also, some industries are strongly using blockchain to improve transparency, business, and capability concerning its supply chain.


A stellar customer and contract experience can fulfill a step-change in method performance and productivity. Procurement subcontractors executing these most suitable applications have been recognized to acquire significant business results concerning a 60–70% decrease in non-compliant spend, a 2–6% savings in sourcing, and a 40–50% decrease in procurement running expenses.

Impact of Technology on the Future of Procurement

The pace of innovation is constant. While companies find their access to best-in-class spend administration, new technological advancements are now well started.

Previously, it was characterized by manageable digitization concerning sourcing and acquisition workflows, since the latter chain noticed the appearance of smart technologies like AI, ML, RPA, and blockchain achieving the subsequent level of market outcomes concerning procurement.

In the future, procurement will emerge to be more self-sufficient — where necessary and operational acquisition processes will operate autonomously motivated by the combined application of superior technologies.

No matter what pathway procurement consultants choose, it almost continually involves agreeing on key market hurdles in the reference to meet process, identifying possibilities for variation, prioritizing active wins, and describing a sight and roadmap to ‘best-in-class’ spend administration.

These are some of the things you need to know about procurement combined with AI and technology. Go through the sections above to learn and discover more about the same.

