Importance of Quality Control in Supply Chain Management

Why is Quality Control Important in Supply Chain Management

James Diaz
Procurement and Sourcing Hub
3 min readJan 31, 2020


In this age of cut-throat market competition, organizations are adopting innovative methods to raise their product quality standards. The main objective of this is to gain a unique place in the minds of consumers. Modern-day businesses are customer-centric in approach. There is no doubt about this fact. If the customers are not satisfied with the quality standards, a brand cannot make an impact on the consumers’ minds. Many organizations are hiring quality control experts for this reason. Nowadays, adopting a quality control approach is of paramount importance in supply chain management.

Importance of Quality Control in Supply Chain Management

The importance of quality control in supply chain management are listed as follows:

  • Identifying defects and scrap: If there are defects in the raw materials, quality issues are bound to arise in the finished products. It will make the entire production processes inefficient and thereby, increasing the defect rates. Inferior raw materials also need extra machining or refining that increases the cost of companies. For this reason, most organizations hire supply chain specialists to monitor the entire production process. They probe into the fact that whether the raw materials are meeting the specifications.
  • External failures: This is another benefit of quality control in supply chain management. A poor quality supply chain will not offer the desired quality of products. In this case, the products are very likely to be damaged during shipping and transportation. If a customer is not satisfied with the quality of a product, he/she will lose respect for the brand. If a company implements quality control in its manufacturing operations, it can play a great hand in protecting its reputation. With the assistance of quality control subcontractors, organizations are developing positive relationships with their suppliers. This is catering to the long-term goals of marketers at large.
  • Inspections: Most companies indeed experience large quantities of defects or other forms of waste during its manufacturing operations. No doubt, inspection increases operating costs at large. Moreover, it is of no use if the quality control standards are not up to the mark. If quality control procedures and supplier relationship audits are conducted properly, organizations do not need to hire someone for continual inspections on the manufacturing line. The quality control experts help organizations in assessing the fluctuating preferences of consumers.
  • Toxic materials: You may know that hazardous materials are increasingly being used in defense industries. These toxic materials harm the environment. The quality control departments of every organization are taking the necessary steps to protect their employees and stakeholders from being exposed to these harmful materials. If any company does not conform to the standard codes, it can result in penalties.

Quality control plays a great hand in today’s global market scenario. The quality control subcontractors are aware of the latest procurement technologies while giving suggestions to companies regarding their implementation. Resort to quality control practices in your organization’s procurement plan and reap increasing benefits.

