Integrating P2P with Strategic Sourcing Solutions

Emma Kessler
Procurement Musings
2 min readAug 31, 2015

Organizations are moving towards an integrated system away from loosely coupled heterogeneous approaches. But the question comes that what are the factors that drive procurement more towards an integrated approach?

The pressures faced internally and externally by procurement function drives organizations towards an integrated approach. According to a leading analyst firm, 51% of procurement teams of an organizations face maximum pressure to find more savings, the rest 40% is followed by procurement teams struggling to increase overall effectiveness and efficiency. These are those organizations that function in silos and face performance pressures.

An integrated approach can allow organizations to facilitate internal and external activities more efficiently and will allow them to see greater value in their technological investment. Technological transformations and upgradation will help them not only to save better but also make processes more sleek and transparent.

Procure to Pay is one solution that helps the organizations’ procurement function to become better by making the process more streamlined, transparent and efficient. But why to just stay better, when you can become best.

Therefore an integrated approach of Procure to Pay with other strategic solutions can make them not just grow but also achieve ahead of set benchmarks. Benefits like:

  • Better visibility into contract and budget compliance
  • Proactive budget utilization alerts
  • Supplier visibility in terms of orders, invoices and payments
  • Guided buying experience
  • Providing more accurate and trustworthy management information

Facts say that companies that focus on these small spend in their organization tend to save a conspicuous amount. According to study from Aberdeen Group, 70 % of procurement executives cite these untraceable indirect spend, which can be managed efficiently by integrated technological approach, as their top focus area to reduce costs.

Move out of silos make your approach more integrated, systems and processes more optimized and let your procurement function grow become more technologically integrated. In turn making your organization bigger and better.

