Leaving reverse auctions in the dust: Discovering a next generation of sourcing technologies

Emma Kessler
Procurement Musings
1 min readFeb 7, 2012

Business historians will look back on recent and future decades in procurement and supply chain history by noting how quickly individuals, organizations and even governments began to embrace new types of negotiation technologies and philosophies during this timeframe. One of the largest changes no doubt started to occur when a certain set of more advanced practitioners became more comfortable with allowing greater supplier expressiveness or creativity when responding to RFPs and RFQs.

Rather than locking suppliers into rigid specifications (e.g., material, lead-time, etc.) through sealed bidding or reverse auction approaches — either offline or on — these new models began to embrace and rely on a different line of thinking to maximize potential savings while reducing risk.

Join us for this webinar featuring Jason Busch Editor, SpendMatters.com who will be exploring the evolution of sourcing and negotiation techniques, including how and why new “sourcing optimization” or “advanced sourcing” approaches are quickly gathering steam inside more advanced companies. A few of the take aways from the webinar are as follows;

  • Understanding the need to adopt new sourcing philosophy within organizations
  • Dealing with different supply chain and category conditions with new sourcing tools
  • Impact of sourcing optimization tools on different categories in addition to transportation & packaging
  • How and when to apply constraints to award decisions (e.g., split of business, supplier diversity, etc.)
  • Developing an educational plan to leveraging the latest sourcing capabilities

To access this webinar click here

