Supplier Automation Made Easy

Emma Kessler
Procurement Musings
2 min readDec 5, 2017

Supplier automation may seem like a simple process. Well, indeed, it is a simple process. All it requires is an appropriate tool and well-defined resources to implement it.

Supplier management via automation, on the other hand, can be a bit tricky to handle but worth every effort.

Supplier management is nothing but managing suppliers in the most effective way to improve the overall efficiency. This is where automation comes into the picture.

How can effective supplier automation be achieved?

The software industry is booming and so is the efficiency level of processes around.

  • Gone are the days where human resources were hired to carry out work. Now human resources are hired and trained to operate software/tools that can carry out work.
  • As simple as procurement is now being handled and automated by software/tools after companies have realized the savings factor in indirect expenses.
  • Similarly, supplier management can be efficiently achieved by doing the same. Nothing works best than an automated tool to manage suppliers.
  • The main objective of supplier automation should be to free suppliers and buyers from manual work, reduce repetitive work and speed up the entire cycle, allowing them to focus on other important things.

So, to achieve an effective supplier automation, here are a few pointers to follow through to make a suitable decision:

Find out your organization’s pain points

  • Getting the right tool on board is the most important element of an effective automation, be it just supplier automation or the whole procurement automation.
  • A tool that fits well into your organization and addresses the right issue will give the maximum efficiency.
  • With the various tools available in the market, the first thing is to find out the pain points and match it to the tools that would fit in.

Easy to use

  • After one has listed down the tools that would help their organization, it is also necessary to realize if the suppliers would adapt to the tool smoothly.
  • It’s a complete waste of time and resource if the suppliers are not able to understand the tool and take the benefit out of it.

Easy integration with other ERPs

  • Once the tool matches the requirements and is easily adaptable, it is essential that it integrates well with other ERPs in the organization.
  • A standalone tool is never a good option to opt for.

Follow these simple steps to achieve an effective supplier automation.

