Aktivquiz: How an idea evolved into a product with great potential

How it started:

Naveen Galithoti
6 min readApr 26, 2017


It all began in December,2016, when we received a RFP (request for proposal) from one of the premium bank in the world. The requirement was to create a gamified environment that tests and encourages end users to become increasingly knowledgeable about the Bank’s footprint and network strengths.

The Requirement:

A gamified quiz tournament for the Relationship Managers of this bank who are spread across 60 different countries. It will have levels of varying degrees of difficulty where they want to track individual performance along with team competitions and identify the best RMs emerging out of it in the end.

Proposed solution:

Since quizzing was something we have already done in the past for other clients, we thought we can use AL platform (web and mobile) and also develop “quiz up” like challenges based features on the platform.

After lots of research and brainstorming, we decided to use KNOLSKAPE’s own gamification framework called 3H. We applied these principles to gamify the whole 4-month long quiz tournament. This created a huge first impression on the client’s mind. The first step was in the right direction.

The game setup proposed has multiple levels with increasing difficulty. Apart from the question difficulty levels, we also tried to introduce variations in each level to make sure the program was not getting monotonous:

Level 1 — Timed quiz with no negative scoring

Level 2 — Timed quiz with negative scoring

Level 3 — Challenges (Players can challenge each other)

Semi-Finals & Finals — Confidence level test ( Scoring depends on the player’s confident level )

Initial Prototype:

We tried to cover most of the scenarios that were presented. The theme that we decided to go with was Formula1:

Images: Home screen, Quiz, Challenge
Images: Player dashboard, Sample quiz question, Challenge screen, Badge unlock, Analytics and leaderboard screens

The Decision:

After a day-long brainstorming session and couple of focus-group feedback sessions, we had the complete understanding of the product flow. But once we started working on the business model and revenue potential of the product, we realized that this quizzing platform can be a standalone product on its own rather than having it as an overlaying feature on Aktivlearn. And that’s when the “Aktivquiz — the quizzing app” was born.

The Problem we are trying to solve with this product:

Two key learning challenges plague organizations across industries — engagement crisis and measurability.

a) Engagement crisis refers to the phenomenon when participants in an initiative are unable to dedicate their attention and motivation to the lessons. Modern companies are having a tough time engaging with new millennial employees who are not used to the old way of corporate training

b) The Measurability crisis refers to the inability of organizations to understand how much of learning delivery is reinforced among participants and how best to measure the impact.

As companies struggle with engagement and measurability of learning, quizzing provides a highly effective alternative

How is quizzing effective for learning:

Quizzes as a learning style can perfectly serve as your sole training tool as well in the following ways:

a) Give you a clear insight on what your employees know or think.

b) Quick to set up and easily adapted to any situation.

c) Using quizzes, you stimulate your employees to remember the information longer and more effectively

d) The added fun-factor will make your employees more enthusiastic to take the quizzes

e) By incorporating gamification elements to your learning style, It positively enforces their feeling of status and power

f) Get instant insights in the effectiveness of your training. single out difficulties if there are any.

g) No need of a classroom-environment!

h) It can engage a large workforce which is spread across the globe easily due to the advent of online tools. According to Hays Global, continuous engagement is a must as engaged employees foster 4.5X revenue.

The product (solution) — Aktivquiz:

Aktivquiz is an online quizzing platform that takes learning out of the classroom and allows users to solve questions and learn in an entertaining and competitive environment. It is designed to test, refresh and measure the retention of any training session that the employee has undertaken previously. It lets employees face off against each other in fast-paced challenges based on their companies’ corporate programs, products and policies. All actions of the users during the quizzing program are recorded for a detailed measurement and analyzed to provide corrective measures in their training program. Employers get to see stats that describe how employees are engaging with the game as well as which questions and topics they’re having a hard time with.

The final screens (with travel as theme):

Types of questions that the platform supports
User performance analytics, leaderboard and challenge screen

The Usecases:

In learning and development function, here is how Aktivquiz can be typically used:

1. To conduct refresher assessment on topics of organizational interests.

  • In case if policy changes or subject matter changes, it’s not possible to go through the entire training. In such cases, case-based quizzes with an explanation of the given area are the best route.
  • Create a system with short quizzes focused on product and service training. Send them out monthly to make sure employees have the latest information.

2. Corporates may use Aktivquiz in scenarios like:

  • Testing the staff on the knowledge level on the requisite subject matter. Such periodic and micro tests motivates the staff to refer to the material.
  • Testing the staff for compliance needs to have a proof of proactive action for the regulatory bodies. This is popular in Insurance and Banking domains.

3. Hiring function:

  • For automating and streamlining the entire hiring process
  • For onboarding the newly hired employees

4. Coaching institutions can use the tool to offer online tests instead of managing the unnecessary logistics and cost related with pen and paper tests.

5. Universities can make use of it to support question-based learning.

6. Companies can actively use this platform to engage with students in campus and maintain a top-of-mind recall across an extended period of time.

7. Quizzing platforms are also used to drive employee engagement and build intellectual capital in an organization. Many companies across the industry are looking to employ some form of quizzing platform to drive new skills or introduce new technical or functional capabilities among employees.

8. Lastly, companies also use quizzing platforms for policy awareness and also to deploy Online Quiz During Presentation


Apart from using quizzes for learning and development, many corporates are increasingly turning to quizzing as a tool to retain employees, as well as attract promising talent. Traditionally, the bastions of IT companies, these new players are breaking the stereotype in building and encouraging an active quizzing culture in their organizations. Interestingly, quizzing is being adopted by various vertical chiefs, such as marketing and technical heads, in their organizations to retain talent in their existing roles.

