Transforming Service Desk Operations: The Power of LLMs in Internal Search Engines

Manish Yadav
Prodigal AI
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2023

In the world of service desk operations, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. Leveraging the capabilities of Language Models (LMs) in internal search engines has the potential to revolutionize service desk operations, empowering agents and delighting customers. In this blog post, we explore the transformative benefits of using LLMs in internal search engines and how they can optimize service desk operations for enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

Language Models (LMs) can be leveraged in internal search engines to enhance service desk operations.

  1. Improved search results: LLMs can enhance the accuracy and relevance of search results. They can understand natural language queries and generate more contextually appropriate responses. This helps service desk operators quickly find relevant knowledge base articles, support documentation, or past ticket resolutions.
  2. Natural language query understanding: LLMs excel at understanding and interpreting natural language queries, even if they are phrased in different ways. This allows service desk operators to use more flexible and conversational search queries, resulting in more accurate and precise search results.
  3. Entity recognition and tagging: LLMs can identify and extract key entities from search queries or support tickets. By recognizing important information such as user names, ticket numbers, or specific error codes, LLMs can help service desk operators retrieve relevant information more efficiently.
  4. Contextual assistance: LLMs can provide contextual assistance by analyzing the content of tickets, support documents, or chat logs. This allows them to suggest related articles, troubleshoot common issues, or provide recommended actions based on historical data. Service desk operators can leverage this contextual information to address customer inquiries more effectively.
  5. Content generation and summarization: LLMs can assist in generating relevant content or summarizing existing documents. For example, if a service desk operator needs to create a new knowledge base article or respond to a customer query, they can use the LLM to generate a draft or extract key information from existing resources.
  6. Continuous learning and improvement: LLMs can learn from historical data, including ticket resolutions, customer interactions, and feedback. By analyzing this data, LLMs can adapt and improve their search capabilities over time. This enables service desk operators to benefit from a more refined and efficient search engine as the LLM continues to learn from user interactions.

The Use cases

  1. Information Technology (IT): LLM-powered search engines can assist service desk operators in finding relevant technical documentation, troubleshooting guides, and solutions to IT-related issues.
  2. Customer Support: LLMs can enhance the search capabilities of service desk operations, helping customer support agents quickly retrieve information and provide accurate resolutions to customer queries.
  3. Healthcare: LLM-powered search engines can aid healthcare service desks in accessing medical research, patient records, and clinical guidelines, facilitating faster and more informed decision-making.
  4. Finance and Banking: LLMs can assist service desk operators in retrieving regulatory information, financial policies, and transactional details, ensuring compliance and delivering prompt support to banking customers.
  5. E-commerce and Retail: LLM-powered search engines can support service desks in swiftly retrieving product information, handling order inquiries, and addressing customer concerns in the dynamic e-commerce and retail sectors.
  6. Telecommunications: Service desks in the telecommunications industry can benefit from LLM-powered search engines for troubleshooting network issues, providing technical support, and managing customer requests efficiently.
  7. Human Resources (HR): LLMs can aid HR service desks in accessing employee policies, benefits information, and HR-related FAQs, streamlining employee support and improving HR operations.
  8. Travel and Hospitality: LLM-powered search engines can assist service desks in the travel and hospitality industry by providing quick access to travel itineraries, booking details, and resolving customer inquiries related to reservations and accommodations.
  9. Education and eLearning: LLMs can support service desks in the education sector by providing access to educational resources, course materials, and troubleshooting guides for eLearning platforms.
  10. Manufacturing and Industrial: LLM-powered search engines can help service desks in the manufacturing and industrial sectors by retrieving technical specifications, maintenance procedures, and equipment documentation, facilitating efficient problem-solving and reducing downtime.

The cherry on the cake: Location Based LLM Powered Search Engines

Location-based search functionality can be implemented in LLM-powered search engines to enhance the relevance and accuracy of search results based on geographical context. Here’s how it can be beneficial:

Localized Information

By incorporating location-based search, LLM-powered search engines can provide localized information specific to a user’s geographical location. This is particularly useful for service desk operations that handle region-specific queries or provide location-specific support.

Nearby Services and Resources

Users can search for nearby services, such as physical store locations, service centres, or on-site support options, through the search engine. LLMs can understand location-based queries and retrieve relevant information based on proximity to the user’s location.

Regional Regulations and Guidelines

In industries where regulations or guidelines vary by location, LLM-powered search engines can consider the user’s location to provide accurate and up-to-date information specific to their region. This is particularly important for compliance-related queries or industry-specific regulations.

Local Events and Promotions

LLM-powered search engines can incorporate location-based search to display local events, promotions, or special offers relevant to the user’s area. This can enhance customer engagement and provide a personalized experience.

Geographically-targeted Recommendation

LLMs can leverage location data to provide geographically-targeted recommendations based on user preferences and their current location. This can include suggestions for nearby businesses, services, or products that align with the user’s interests or needs.

Service Desk Routing

For large organizations with multiple service desk locations, LLM-powered search engines can use location data to route queries to the appropriate service desk based on the user’s location. This ensures efficient handling of support requests and directs users to the nearest service centre.

Unleash the power of Language Models in your service desk operations and witness the transformative impact on efficiency and customer satisfaction. Say goodbye to manual searches and embrace a future where information is readily available, contextually relevant, and effortlessly accessible. Revolutionize your service desk with AI-powered internal search engines and pave the way for exceptional support experiences. Contact us today to embark on this game-changing journey.

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