Concepts of Prioritization — Chapter 7

GDM Nagarjuna
The New Product Manager
14 min readMar 25, 2023

Chapter 7— Cost of Delay

7.1 Introduction to Cost of Delay: A Philosophical and Fundamental Perspective
7.2 The Science of Delay: Technical Foundations
7.3 Calculating Cost of Delay: Mathematical Approaches
7.4 The impact of organizational culture and communication on delays
7.5 Strategies for Minimizing Cost of Delay
7.6 Advanced Mathematical Models for Cost of Delay Analysis

7.1 Introduction to Cost of Delay: A Philosophical and Fundamental Perspective

Time is an invaluable, non-renewable resource that plays a pivotal role in product development. It influences the window of opportunity for a product or feature to make an impact in the market, create value for customers, and generate revenue for the organization. The philosophical aspect of the cost of delay concept is rooted in the idea of opportunity cost, which is the value forfeited when one opportunity is pursued at the expense of another. In the context of product development, time is the driving force behind opportunity costs, as delays can result in missed chances to innovate, cater to customer needs, or gain a competitive edge.

Product development does not happen in isolation. It is an intricate, interconnected ecosystem that comprises various aspects such as technology, design, marketing, and customer experience. Delays in any one of these areas can have a cascading effect on the entire ecosystem, leading to increased costs and lost opportunities. The cost of delay concept acknowledges this interconnected nature and encourages product managers to consider the potential consequences of their decisions throughout the product development process.

Hence, in product management, the cost of delay serves as a vital decision-making tool that assists product managers in understanding the financial and strategic implications of delaying product launches or feature releases. By quantifying the cost of delay, product managers can make more informed decisions about prioritizing projects, allocating resources, and managing risks. This empowers them to optimize the product development process and minimize the negative impact of delays.

Incorporating the cost of delay into the prioritization process allows product managers to weigh the trade-offs between various projects, features, or initiatives. By recognizing the critical role of time and opportunity in product development and understanding the complex relationships within the product development ecosystem, product managers can leverage the cost of delay to make better-informed decisions that drive the success of their products and the organization.

7.2 The Science of Delay: Technical Foundations

Queueing theory is the study of waiting lines, or queues, and is often used to analyze situations where a limited resource must be allocated among competing demands. In product management, queueing theory can help assess and optimize the flow of work through the development process.

A simple queueing model consists of three components: arrival rate (λ), service rate (μ), and the number of servers (s). The arrival rate represents the number of tasks entering the system per unit of time, the service rate represents the number of tasks that can be completed per unit of time, and the number of servers represents the available resources to complete tasks.

An essential metric in queueing theory is the utilization factor (ρ), which is defined as the ratio of the arrival rate to the service rate multiplied by the number of servers:

ρ = λ / (μ * s)

Utilization factor indicates the percentage of time the system is busy. A high utilization factor can lead to increased waiting times and delays in the product development process.

A high utilization factor indicates that the system (in this case, the development team) is working at or near full capacity. This means that there are very few or no idle resources available to handle new incoming tasks, which can lead to increased waiting times and delays in the product development process.

For example, let’s say that a development team has a utilization factor of 90%, which means that 90% of their time is spent working on tasks, and only 10% of their time is spent waiting for new tasks to arrive. This may seem like a highly productive and efficient team, but it also means that they have very little slack or buffer time to handle unexpected delays or changes in priorities.

If a new urgent feature request arrives, the team may have to delay working on it because they are already working on other high-priority tasks. This delay can lead to a longer time-to-market for the feature and a potential loss of revenue. Additionally, if the team is constantly working at full capacity, they may experience burnout and reduced productivity over time.

In contrast, a lower utilization factor may indicate that there is more slack time available for handling unexpected delays or changes in priorities. While this may seem less efficient at first glance, it can actually lead to a more flexible and resilient product development process.

Therefore, it is important to balance utilization factor with other factors such as flexibility, responsiveness, and adaptability in order to optimize the product development process and minimize delays.

The role of uncertainty and variability in product development delays

Uncertainty and variability in product development can arise from various factors, such as estimation errors, changing requirements, or unforeseen technical challenges. This variability can be incorporated into the queueing model by considering the distribution of arrival and service times.

For example, if the arrival and service times follow exponential distributions, the system can be modeled as an M/M/s queue. Let us assume a 2-week sprint and derive the optimum number of tasks that can be completed

To derive the formula for the expected number of tasks to be completed by the end of the sprint, we need to account for the initial tasks and the tasks that arrive during the sprint.


N_initial: Number of tasks added to the sprint at the beginning of the sprint Sprint duration (D): 10 days
Working hours per day (H): 8 hours
Number of team members (s): 5
Additional tasks average arrival rate (λ): 0.1 tasks per hour per team member
Average service rate (μ): 0.125 tasks per hour per team member

Assume that additional tasks that arrive in the sprint will take priority over picking another task from the N_initial

Number of tasks arriving = λ *s* H * D

Total time spent on arriving tasks = Total arriving tasks / μ

Calculate the remaining time for initial tasks:

Remaining time for initial tasks = Total available working hours — Total time spent on arriving tasks = max(s * H * D — λ *s* H * D / μ ,0)

Calculate the expected number of initial tasks completed:

Expected number of initial tasks completed = min(N_initial, Remaining time for initial tasks * μ) = min(N_initial, max(s * H * D — λ *s* H * D / μ ,0) * μ)

Add the expected number of initial tasks completed and arriving tasks completed:

Expected number of tasks completed = Expected number of initial tasks completed + Total arriving tasks

Expected number of arriving tasks completed = min(λ * s * H * D, (D * H * s) * μ)

λ * s * H * D=Max number of incoming tasks

s * H * D * μ =Max number of tasks that the team can complete in D days

Expected spillover = N_initial — Expected number of tasks completed = N_initial — min(N_initial, min(N_initial, max(s * H * D — λ *s* H * D / μ ,0) * μ))

ExampInitial tasks (N_initial): 50
Sprint duration (D): 10 days
Working hours per day (H): 8 hours
Number of team members (s): 5
Additional tasks Average arrival rate (λ): 0.1 tasks per hour per team member
Average service rate (μ): 0.125 tasks per hour per team member

Expected spillover = N_initial — min(N_initial, min(N_initial, max(s * H * D — λ * s * H * D / μ, 0) * μ))
= 50 — min(50, min(50, max(5 * 8 * 10–0.1 * 5 * 8 * 10 / 0.125, 0) * 0.125))
= 50 — min(50, min(50, max(400–320, 0) * 0.125))
= 50 — min(50, min(50, 80 * 0.125))
= 50 — min(50, min(50, 10))
= 50 — min(50, 10)
= 50–10
= 40

The expected spillover is 40 tasks.

If you notice, Average arrival rate (λ) — tasks per hour per team member- depicts the variations in the tasks added to the sprint such as:

  1. Task complexity: Tasks can vary in complexity, which affects the time and effort required to complete them. A sprint with more complex tasks might experience lower throughput compared to a sprint with simpler tasks.
  2. Estimation accuracy: Inaccurate task estimations can lead to overcommitment or undercommitment in a sprint, impacting the team's ability to complete the planned tasks.
  3. Team skills and expertise: The skill set and expertise of team members can greatly influence the productivity and efficiency of a sprint. A team with experienced and skilled members is more likely to complete tasks faster and more efficiently.
  4. Availability of team members: Absences, vacations, or other factors affecting team member availability can impact the team's capacity during a sprint. Reduced capacity may lead to fewer tasks being completed.
  5. Dependencies and blockers: External dependencies or blockers can delay task completion, affecting the overall progress of a sprint. Dependencies on other teams, third-party services, or waiting for approvals can cause delays.
  6. Changing requirements: Changes in project requirements, scope, or priorities during a sprint can impact the team's ability to complete the planned tasks.
  7. Unforeseen technical challenges: Unexpected technical issues, bugs, or integration problems can arise during a sprint, requiring additional time and resources to resolve, and impacting the progress of the sprint.
  8. Team collaboration and communication: Effective collaboration and communication within the team play a crucial role in sprint success. Poor communication or lack of collaboration can lead to misunderstandings, duplicated work, or missed tasks.
  9. Quality of planning: The quality of sprint planning, including proper task breakdown, prioritization, and resource allocation, can significantly impact the outcome of a sprint.
  10. Learning curve: For teams that are new to agile methodologies or working together, there may be a learning curve as they adapt to the new processes and teamwork dynamics. This can affect the efficiency of the sprint initially.
  11. Unforeseen Business requirements: It is difficult for a company to ask the market to stay unmoved for 2 weeks of the sprint and environment does keep changing and certain unforeseen requirements come up. This can cause variations in the team’s ability to complete the originally planned tasks for the sprint.

These factors can lead to variations in sprint outcomes, and it is essential for teams to regularly assess their performance, identify areas for improvement, and adapt their processes to minimize the impact of these variations.

The more variability you have, the more you are going to prioritize incoming tasks and the less time you will have for sprint tasks and essentially you will be following kanban model

7.3 Calculating Cost of Delay: Mathematical Approaches

The time-value of money (TVM) is a financial concept that recognizes that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future due to factors such as inflation, cost of capital, opportunity cost, and risk. The net present value (NPV) is a method used to calculate the current value of a series of future cash flows, discounted to reflect the time-value of money.

The NPV formula is:

NPV = ∑ (C_t / (1 + r)^t)


C_t = cash flow at time t

r = discount rate (interest rate or required rate of return)

t = time period

When calculating the cost of delay, it’s crucial to account for the potential future revenue and market share losses due to the delay. This can be done by estimating the cash flows that would have been generated if the product or feature were launched on time and discounting them using the NPV formula.

For example, consider a product with a projected revenue of $10,000 per month, a delay of six months, and a discount rate of 5% per year. The cost of delay in terms of lost revenue can be calculated as follows:

CoD_revenue = ∑ (C_t / (1 + r)^t) for t = 1 to 6

Let’s assume that the revenue generated by the product is expected to be constant over the six months, and that there are no other costs associated with the delay. We can use these assumptions to calculate the cost of delay in terms of lost revenue as follows:

Projected monthly revenue = $10,000

Projected revenue over six months = $10,000 * 6 = $60,000

Using the formula for the cost of delay in terms of lost revenue:

Revenue = ∑ (C_t / (1 + r)^t) for t = 1 to 6

Where C_t is the projected revenue for month t and r is the discount rate.

We can plug in the values to get:

Revenue = ($10,000 / (1 + 0.05)¹) + ($10,000 / (1 + 0.05)²) + ($10,000 / (1 + 0.05)³) + ($10,000 / (1 + 0.05)⁴) + ($10,000 / (1 + 0.05)⁵) + ($10,000 / (1 + 0.05)⁶)

Revenue = $51,917.63

Now, assume that there is a delay in delivery of the project or the project got deprioritized and got delivered 6 months later.

Since the first revenue will not be generated until the end of the six-month delay, we can adjust the formula to start from month 7:

CoD_revenue = ∑ (C_t / (1 + r)^(t-6)) for t = 7 to 12

Plugging in the values, we get:

Delayed_revenue = $10,000 / (1 + 0.05)⁷ + $10,000 / (1 + 0.05)⁸ + $10,000 / (1 + 0.05)⁹ + $10,000 / (1 + 0.05)¹⁰ + $10,000 / (1 + 0.05)¹¹ + $10,000 / (1 + 0.05)¹²

Simplifying the formula:

Delayed_revenue = $41,957.02

So the cost of delay = Revenue — Delayed_Revenue = $51,917.63 — $41,957.02 = $9,960.61

7.4 The impact of organizational culture and communication on delays

Organizational culture and communication play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of product management and the ability to minimize delays. Key factors include:

  1. Transparency and open communication: Fostering a culture of transparency and open communication can help surface potential issues early, allowing for faster resolution and reducing delays.
  2. Psychological safety: Creating an environment where team members feel safe to express concerns, ask questions, and suggest improvements can lead to better and faster decision-making and faster problem resolution. This can be achieved by encouraging feedback, acknowledging mistakes, and embracing a growth mindset.
  3. Cross-functional collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between different functions (e.g., engineering, design, marketing) can improve the flow of information and lead to a more cohesive product strategy reducing delays on deciding the strategy.
  4. Agility and adaptability: Cultivating a culture of agility and adaptability can help teams respond to changing circumstances, reducing the impact of delays and ensuring that product strategy remains relevant.

7.5 Strategies for Minimizing Cost of Delay

Agile and lean methodologies can help minimize the cost of delay by reducing the time to market and increasing adaptability. Key practices include:

  1. Iterative development: Developing products in small, incremental steps allows for faster delivery and quicker feedback. This can be achieved through methods such as Scrum, where work is divided into short sprints, and progress is reviewed regularly.
  2. Continuous delivery: Automating the deployment process and releasing software in smaller increments can help reduce the time to market and minimize the cost of delay.
  3. Lean principles: Eliminating waste and focusing on value-added activities can help streamline the product development process and reduce delays. Techniques such as the Kanban method can help visualize and manage work in progress, allowing teams to identify and address bottlenecks.

Balancing exploration and expansion in product development

Balancing exploration and expansion is a critical aspect of product management. Exploration involves the development of new products or features, which requires a significant investment in research and development. The goal of exploration is to identify new opportunities and create innovative solutions that can disrupt the market and provide a competitive advantage.

However, exploration comes with a higher degree of uncertainty, risk, and cost. New product development can take a significant amount of time, and there is no guarantee that the product will succeed in the market. Moreover, the cost of research and development can be substantial, and the investment may not provide any returns if the product fails to meet market expectations.

On the other hand, expansion involves improving existing products or features. This approach is less risky and expensive than exploration, and it can provide faster returns on investment. The goal of expansion is to optimize existing products or features and improve their market performance. This can include adding new features, improving usability, or enhancing the product’s value proposition.

However, focusing only on expansion can lead to a lack of innovation and missed opportunities. In a rapidly changing market, companies need to continuously innovate and develop new products and features to stay competitive. Failing to do so can result in a loss of market share and revenue.

Therefore, striking a balance between exploration and expansion is essential for long-term product success. Product managers need to assess the market’s needs and identify areas of opportunity for both new product development and existing product improvement and align on the strategy for the sprint/quarter/year. By doing so, they can minimize the cost of delay and drive long-term growth and profitability for their products and companies.

7.6 Advanced Mathematical Models for Cost of Delay Analysis

Stochastic models and simulations to estimate CoD in product management

Stochastic models incorporate random variables and probabilities, allowing product managers to better account for uncertainty in their CoD calculations. Monte Carlo simulations, for example, can be used to model the range of possible outcomes and estimate the probability distribution of the Cost of Delay for a particular feature or project.

Consider a software project with uncertain development times. The development duration for a feature can be modeled as a probability distribution, such as the triangular distribution, with minimum, most likely, and maximum duration estimates: Triangular(min, mode, max)

By running a Monte Carlo simulation with a large number of iterations, product managers can estimate the probability distribution of CoD and make more informed decisions.

Optimization techniques for resource allocation and prioritization

Linear programming (LP) is an optimization technique that can help product managers allocate resources and prioritize projects to minimize CoD. Suppose a product manager has to decide how many developers to allocate to two projects (A and B) to minimize the total CoD.

Let x_A and x_B represent the number of developers allocated to projects A and B, respectively. The CoD of each project can be expressed as a linear function of the number of developers:

CoD_A = 200,000–10,000 * x_A

CoD_B = 150,000–8,000 * x_B

The product manager aims to minimize the total CoD:

Total CoD = CoD_A + CoD_B

Subject to constraints, such as the total number of available developers and the minimum number of developers needed for each project:

x_A + x_B <= total_developers

x_A >= min_developers_A

x_B >= min_developers_B

total_developers: Total number of available developers.
min_developers_A: Minimum number of developers needed for project A.
min_developers_B: Minimum number of developers needed for project B.

Lets Assume the following values:
total_developers = 12
min_developers_A = 4
min_developers_B = 4

Now we need to minimize the total CoD function:
Total CoD = CoD_A + CoD_B = (200,000–10,000 * x_A) + (150,000–8,000 * x_B)

Subject to the constraints:
x_A + x_B <= 12
x_A >= 4
x_B >= 4

By solving the LP problem, the optimal allocation of developers to minimize the total CoD is x_A = 4 and x_B = 8, with a minimum total CoD of 106,000.

Scenario planning and sensitivity analysis

Scenario planning and sensitivity analysis help product managers assess the impact of different assumptions on their CoD calculations. For example, a product manager can estimate the CoD under different scenarios, such as best-case, most likely, and worst-case scenarios for market conditions, competitor actions, or technological advancements.

Sensitivity analysis examines how changes in input variables affect the CoD. One approach is to use tornado diagrams, which display the impact of varying each input variable on the CoD while holding other variables constant. This allows product managers to identify the most critical variables and focus on managing the uncertainties associated with them.

By using advanced mathematical models and techniques, product managers can improve their understanding of the Cost of Delay, make better-informed prioritization decisions, and more effectively manage the risks and uncertainties inherent in product development.

Three Key Principles of Cost of Delay for Product Managers

In summary, we crystallize on three key principles

  1. Time is a valuable and scarce resource: Recognize that time is a critical asset in product management, and delaying a product or feature launch can have significant consequences on revenue, market share, and competitive advantage. Always be mindful of the importance of timely decision-making and execution in your product development process.
  2. Understand and quantify the cost of delay: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the various factors contributing to the CoD, such as financial impact, social consequences, and environmental implications. Use mathematical models and formulas to quantify and predict the CoD for different projects. By quantifying the cost of delay, you can make more informed prioritization decisions that maximize the value of your products and minimize the risks associated with delays.
  3. Adapt to the evolving landscape: Stay agile and responsive to changing market conditions, technological advancements, and customer needs. Continuously refine and improve your prioritization processes and strategies to manage CoD effectively. Leverage data and technology, like AI-driven models and data analytics, to optimize product management decisions, and be prepared to incorporate new tools, methodologies, and technologies to stay ahead of the curve and manage the Cost of Delay effectively.

The Law of Time in Prioritization: Time is the ultimate currency of product development. Delaying a launch or feature can have significant consequences on revenue, market share, and competitive advantage. Effective product management requires constant vigilance of time and the discipline to prioritize ruthlessly to maximize value and minimize the cost of delay.

