Product Planning Is Better Together

Talk, discuss and watch your product ideas grow with new real-time collaboration in ProdPad.

Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2017


At ProdPad, we don’t want you sitting in a corner coming up with ideas by yourself.

The next big idea could come from a piece of customer feedback, a lively conversation in Slack or an off-hand comment during your product roadmap presentation. You never know!

As a product manager, your best bet is to collect them and pull in your colleagues to help you validate and move them forward.

You can already invite unlimited reviewers to submit new ideas to your product backlog, discuss those ideas and assign them to help you write product specs.

Now with real-time collaboration, you can see who in ProdPad with you while you’re working.

When another user joins the same page as you, their profile pic will appear at the top right of your screen. As more users join in, colored dots will appear to indicate their presence.

With real-time collaboration, you’ll always be working with the most up-to-date version of documents in ProdPad.

This makes it easier for you to work on ideas while your colleagues are active and hold live discussions. You’ll see all updates reflected immediately in front of you!

Now, there’s nothing stopping you from rounding up the experts around your company and building the next best thing together.



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Product Thinker 🤔 | Creative 🖋️ | Asker of many questions |