What is End-to-End Testing?

Dan Widing
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2019

“You can test every servo, every wire, every component; the hardware, the firmware, the software. But you have no idea whether your robot is going to work, and whether it’s going to work in the wild, until you let it out into the wild and let it fail. And it will fail, even when it seems like every component works individually. Even well-built things get hairy when you connect them all together.”

We didn’t have a truly applicable analogy for end-to-end testing until we heard it from a customer that had previously built robots before moving over to web software. Sure, there must be some sort of theoretical, Platonic ideal of testing in which exhaustive testing of components and subsystems will guarantee that the robot-or your web application-will work without needing to be run “in the wild.” But, we’ll wager, nobody’s found it yet.

The Advantage of End-to-End Testing

This is the essence of end-to-end (E2E) testing, and why it’s so important. Your web application is probably less complex than a Mars rover, but you similarly won’t know whether it’s going to work once you put all the bits together until you’ve done just that. Your unit tests will test individual blocks of code for their core functionality. API/integration tests will make sure that your “subsystems” are working as intended. But, E2E tests are intended to test the entire application as real users would use it, in conditions similar to how real users will use it.

Therefore, an E2E test will actually launch the application in a browser and interact with it in a way that will test every layer of the application: the user interface itself, the browser (and compatibility with it), the network, the server, the APIs, the codebase, any 3rd party integrations, and any hardware-the whole kit. As with the robot, you don’t really know how all of these components and layers will work together until they’re doing just that-working together. You therefore don’t want to be shipping changes to your application without testing it end-to-end (unless you don’t mind bugs sneaking through.)

E2E tests can assume many names, in part depending on their level of rigor. They can be called browser tests, smoke tests, user acceptance tests (UATs), or (less accurately) UI tests. Typically these all mean the same thing: you launch a browser to interact with the application, and check that specific behaviors still work as intended.

There are two ways to launch this browser and interact with the whole application: the first is with a human who checks for failures by clicking around, referred to as manual testing. The second is by having a machine virtually simulate a human, using predetermined validations to check for failures, referred to as automated testing.

Data-Driven Testing

And as with our Mars rover, it’s ideal to test the application by simulating real-world usage as precisely as possible: testing the application in the same way that your users are using it, or are going to use it. This requires having data which tells you how your users are in fact using your application. Utilizing real user data is always possible when testing for regressions. But, user behavior needs to be estimated (or, frankly, guessed) when testing brand new features because you don’t have data about real usage quite yet.

Some teams might be tempted to do “kitchen sink” testing and try to test the application in every possible way, rather than in a way that reflects user behavior. We discourage this elsewhere in more detail elsewhere, but the primary consideration is that E2E tests are the most expensive, least stable, and slowest tests you’ll run. Having too many is going to incur dramatically increased costs for steeply-diminishing returns.

Limitations of E2E Testing

Finally, a word of caution: E2E testing has limitations. It’s great at testing that the application will generally function: that users can always move through workflows without errors or breakages. It’s great at ensuring that all of the gnarly bits of code are working together when a user checks out or logs in or executes an analysis. But E2E testing isn’t great (or efficient) in testing that the right data is going to be displayed for a user or stored in the application-this is a place for unit tests to thrive. E2E testing also isn’t great at showing you where in your codebase your bug is hiding-just where in the user’s journey they’re going to find that the application is broken. Finally E2E testing isn’t great at telling you whether your page is formatting incorrectly or “looks wrong.” It can do a bit of this, but it’s a heck of an expensive way to do so. We recommend using a tool such as Percy.io for testing visual regressions, instead.

In short: ignore E2E testing at your own peril, but over-relying on it won’t do you any favors, either.

Originally published at https://blog.prodperfect.com on August 20, 2019.

