How to Simplify iPhone Image Capture and Retrieval

Beat the chaos and turn your phone into the visual filing cabinet of your dreams

Ellane W


iPhone on an outstretched hand, with camera roll images in the background
Elements added to Mockuups image, by Author. That Photos app gets my attention on an otherwise colourless screen! Time to sort and delete, one pic at a time.

iPhone cameras are a mixed blessing. They’re capable and convenient at the same time as being memory-crushing black holes for images you no longer need, but don’t have time to process.

My camera roll had nearly 16K photos on it before I started to take action. Gasp!

Apple’s facial recognition, Albums, and list of Media Types are helpful, but they aren’t a complete solution to the overwhelm.

What to do?

I can’t promise instant success, but even if you only implement one of the ideas below you’ll be on the road to a more manageable camera roll.

More importantly, you’ll always be able to find the pictures you need, when you need them.

What Kinds of Photos Do You Take?

You’ll probably find that 90+% of the images on your camera roll fall into the following categories:

  1. Records of things or events that need to be stored for future retrieval
  2. Work related photos
  3. Photos of people and places that we want to remember forever



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.