GoodNotes is the Best App for Your Interactive Planner

…So why did I choose Noteshelf instead?

Ellane W


GoodNotes icon on the left, with Noteshelf icon on the right. Crown emoji has been removed from GoodNotes ‘head’ by Noteshelf’s cartoon arms.
Icons courtesy Apple’s App Store. Illustration by author.

GoodNotes is an excellent choice for interactive digital planners, but it has some sticking points that might find you looking elsewhere, as I did.

Now that I think about it, the rebel in me may have been looking for a reason to steer away from this unofficially crowned king of the handwritten notes apps. To boldly explore and conquer exciting, unfamiliar territory!

But let’s start at the beginning. Here are 5 reasons to choose — or stick with — GoodNotes for your planner.

🥳 1. Elements (built-in sticker collections)

This is a new feature, and it’s blown my mind into beautiful chunks of graphic-powered balls of bliss. I LOVE IT.

Elements is a built-in sticker catalog that you can add images and graphics to, in tidy collections. This is ideal for decorating planners, and super-cool for teaching online! Add some cute Etsy sticker purchases, or create your own.

At first, I couldn’t see how to delete unwanted elements, so if you’re in that boat too you’ll be glad to learn there is a way. Click on a collection of elements, then click on the right-pointing arrow next to its name. That will bring up all the…



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.