PTPL 088: Time to Inventory Your Inboxes, and the Routines That Help You Process Them

FYI I still use Drafts daily, but it’s no longer an inbox

Ellane W
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2024


Welcome! I’m Ellane, and this is a weekly, garage-door-up summary of how I’m learning to simplify and future-proof my digital-analog workflow. Some of my articles are behind a paywall. Paying to access them is one way to support my work, or you can click here to read for free.

A World Without Plain Text is Not My World

Allow me to introduce you to Matt Stein , who has a carefully curated workflow and likes to access his files in apps like Obsidian, iA Writer and Vim. It warms my heart to come across people who are just as deeply-rooted in plain text as I am!

If there’s a world where plain text becomes obsolete, I will find another world

↑ This! When I have my in-person cosy chat with God (we haven’t yet fixed the date) and I get to ask him all those hard questions I keep on a shelf in a corner of my brain, I will not be surprised to learn that the foundation of the entire Universe is… plain text. After all, in the beginning was the Word! — John chapter 1, verse 1.



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.