PTPL 089: Thoughts on the Pleasant Alliance Between Paper and Plain Text Notes

Plus—Why perfect productivity doth not a happy person make

Ellane W
Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2024


Plain text, Paper, Less (PTPL) Productivity Digest, text-based image by Author

Welcome! I’m Ellane, and this is a weekly, garage-door-up summary of how I’m learning to simplify and future-proof my digital–analog workflow. Some of my articles are behind a paywall. Paying to access them is one way to support my work, or you can click here to read for free.

So, what’s the attraction?

Do you know why you are drawn to productivity information and apps, and the technology that drives much of it?

Imagine for a moment that you’re as productive as it’s humanly possible to be.

Your day is effortlessly time-blocked, and all your tasks are done in the right order, ahead of time. You never miss a deadline or let anyone down.

In this ideal situation, you’ve arrived; you’re at the height of productivity! Congratulations. As you stand there with the world at your feet, what can you see from the peak? Why did you climb the productivity mountain in the first place?

Above are excerpts from a piece I wrote back in 2022, called How to Stop



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.